When will KEF LS50 Wireless II be Roon Ready? [They are now!]

You seem to have mistyped ‘2201’ :stuck_out_tongue:

Nah, April 2021 is very much what we’re working to.


Ben - any updates? Just got my IIs and was surprised by the delay until I found this thread. Kudos to all of you waiting 6 months. For now I’m using an Allo Signature RPi4 w Coax HAT, it does sound amazing.

Judging by what I’ve been playing with this week, don’t expect much longer :wink:


6 months indeed. I guess we can wait another 6 days. Haha.

helping a friend out with his LS50 W2’s until they get Roon certification. I have the passive metas myself. Are there detailed instruction somewhere on how to use your method above? I only have experience using chromecast from my Chrome browser on a MacBook and an Ipad, and no Airplay experience.

Hey Simon, the below should get things going:


AirPlay/Roon is very easy. After connecting the LS50WII to the same network as the Roon Core, simply head to Roon’s settings, followed by Audio. That will bring up a list of devices on the network, one of which should be LS50 Wireless II, with ‘via AirPlay’ as a subtitle. Just enable it, give it a name such as ‘Living Room’ or ‘Study’, or maybe even ‘Derek’. Then it will show up in Roon’s zone picker.


Chromecast is slightly different depending on the smart device used to setup LS50WII:

If LS50WII was originally setup with an Android device with Google Home

If an Android device with Google Home was used, then it’s exactly the same as above, because you will have accepted Google’s Ts&Cs (which is a requirement for Chromecast). Just instead of ‘via AirPlay’ it will be subtitled ‘Chromecast Streaming’.

If LS50WII was setup with an Apple device

If an iPhone was used, then you wouldn’t have accepted Google’s Ts&Cs during setup. But that’s ok. Download the Google Home app, open it up, tap the ‘+’ icon in the top left corner and go through Google’s setup instructions. After that (you may need to reboot Roon, possibly), LS50WII via Chromecast Streaming should show up in the Audio list.

If you’re struggling, let me know and I’ll get some screenshots together for you (I’m not with a pair of LS50WIIs, right now).


Hi Ben,

thanks for the instructions. Will attempt this next time I’m over at my buddy’s place.
Is it correct that you’re limited to 16/44 resolution with these two workarounds?
Also, is there a difference in resolution between the two?

So excited! In the coming week we all celebrate our long waiting period with a marvellous Roon Ready certificate on the LS50W2’s!!!

Because of Covid it’s not allowed, but otherwise I would have you all invited to a great party at my home.

A virtual beer instead will have to do the trick instead :beer::smirk::grin:


We can come one at a time!
What’s your address:-) ?


A case of the “any day now”, hmm?

You forgot a question.

What beer?


I know, we all heard them: soon, imminent, in short time, almost, etc…
But ‘April 2021’ sounded quite precise, given the former promises :wink:


Hi Simon

AirPlay can play up to CD quality 16bit 44.1khz.

Chromecast can go up to 24bit 96khz Hi-Res.

Yeah, I’m pretty sure we will have it this upcoming week. Looking forward to it as well.

Assuming it happens, I wonder who will announce it first? Not that it really matters of course!

Haha, it’ll be a race. May the best man with best timing or infinite clicking win.

Lucky is me on holiday for the next week. I’ll go last, I guess.

At least I’ve got a pair of LSX here to sweeten to pain. :wink:

Roon is playing nicely with my LS50 WII speakers. Is there something wrong?

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Through Airplay or Chromecast?

If not, nice trolling. :joy:

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So, help me out with what I’m seeing here. In Roon, I see the LS50 Wireless II as an output choice. I select it and click play on selected music. It plays. Are my iPad and iMac using AirPlay?