Which NUC boards do Nucleus and Nucleus+ contain?
Sorry to have to ask here, but darned if I can find an answer using search on this forum or google!
Which NUC boards do Nucleus and Nucleus+ contain?
Sorry to have to ask here, but darned if I can find an answer using search on this forum or google!
7i3DNB and 7i7DNB I think. The biggest difference over the previous revision is the i7 in the + has four cores rather than two but slightly less single core performance.
Note that revision A and B are different.
Are you guys sure this is accurate? Is roonlabs really selling fanless computers with five year old motherboard/CPU combos that I don’t think you can even buy anymore for $1,500 and $2,500?
That is correct.
I have them on this comparison NUC 8th Gen still the best option? and best retailers? - #33 by simon_pepper
I’m replacing my 4th gen NUC with an i5-4250U CPU because of fan noise. It will also serve as my 1.8 fallback core along with an old laptop with 1.8 remote for when roon 2.x won’t play music when my LAN gets partitioned from the WAN.
This old NUC was adequately powerful to run roon core on win8.1 and ubuntu 22.04 with some modest DSP and room correction when I was fiddling around with that. It’s CPU performance is nearly identical to the NUCI3 at the bottom end of your chart.
Why would I replace it with a 10th(?) gen $600-$1000 NUC with fan or $1500-2500 7th gen fanless NUCLEUS+ when a fanless machine with double my current machine’s CPU rating, albeit not that much improved single thread performance, can be had for a bit more than $200? (That was a rhetorical question, no need to discuss really. eMMC memory is the weakness here, but a proper M.2 drive can be installed.)
Did you move this from the support forum to the roon software discussion forum? This is about hardware…
I moved it to #roon:nucleus since the OP is a discussion and not a support matter.
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