Im running a Mac mini at the moment, but really would like a NUC running Roon only connected to a Cambridge 851N and streamer.Ive a list of various ones but still Carnt decide.Iv e 5000 albums at the moment on a SSD which I would also like to incorporate in the device rather than sat at the side.
I know I should probably go with the 13th gen nuts but reviews on here say the 11th gen are really good.A few questions if anyone could make suggestions
11th gen or 13th gen
should I stick with an i7
How much RAM
4…Is there any benefit from connecting the NUC direct to my amp…ie USB or just stick with ethernet
how do I determine via the model numbers which will hold a ssd for storage ie NUC11TNHi7
(Torben - A Dane living in Hamburg - Roon Lifer)
I have a library of 2200 or so albums, I went with the NUC11TNHi3, 8gb ram, 128gb ssd & it is fine, silent & it is very responsive, no core issues that I have noticed. It just runs the core, nothing connected, music is on a nas.
If your budget allows, may I suggest go for the i7 NUC? That will be helpful when you apply convolution dsp for digital room correction. Digital room correction is not difficult to start but the effect is very positive, in most of the cases.
Don’t go with a 13th gen NUC - it’s not currently on the supported NUC list of Roon Labs because Intel have made some hardware changes in the design and Roon OS does not yet fully support it.
(Torben - A Dane living in Hamburg - Roon Lifer)
I really hope that Roon/Rock soon is supported on NUC13ANHi7.
I wouldn’t hold your breath. Particularly now that Intel has turned the whole NUC business over to ASUS. I think @danny has plenty of issues to deal with already without worrying about 13th gen Intel NUCs.
(Torben - A Dane living in Hamburg - Roon Lifer)
@Geoff_Coupe - That would be VERY sad news. I need more horse power and NUC13ANHi7 would be absolutely perfect.
Get an internal SSD big enough for now and allow for growth you can put up to 8Tb in
Don’t forget that albums added to your library from Tidal/Qobuz count to your library size and database size as much as your local albums
Use Ethernet rather than USB . That’s Roon’s recommendation. (I used a ROCK and CA CXN no problem)
Check out the Intel site for the right code number once you have decided which generation suits, basically 10 , 11 or 12 are all fine.
For reference , mine is a NUC 10i7FNH (Tall form) , 32 Gb RAM , 256 Tb OS SSD (smallest realistically you’ll need less that 100 Tb if that) and a 4TB SSD for content (around 140k tracks)
A NUC with a mobile CPU, even the latest, may never be enough. As you know, Roon recommends the fastest CPU you can afford and plenty of RAM for very large libraries
(Torben - A Dane living in Hamburg - Roon Lifer)
Strange - I can’t find any recommendation in that direction.