While installing Rock, can't partition drive

I have a NUC8i5BEK and have Roon Rock running for two years just fine. I installed 32GB instead of the 8GB but noticed Roon Rock wasn’t running as smoothly as before. I decided to reinstall ROCK, maybe the memory while installing is determined and fixed.

I downloaded Roon Rock, and created a bootable USB via B. Etcher and NUC booted from USB drive. When I chose the only available drive (Samsung 960 Evo M2 NVME) and confirmed my choice, the installer mentioned: can’t partional drive, critical error. Maybe the fact that RoonRock was already installed locked the drive for some reason…?

I took out the M2 drive and removed the partitions from the drive via Windows, mini partition tool.
Placed the m2 back again in the nuc but the same error occurred …?

Any clues what’s going wrong here? I have another m2 laying about and will try that one but nevertheless I’d like to figure out what is or what I am doing wrong.

Try making your USB installer with a tool other than etcher.

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Okay, thank you. I’ll give that a shot.

Nope, didn’t do the trick. I tried another M2 and installing Roon Rock worked perfectly.
I guess the old M2 unit is having issues; hence why I experienced less performance and why I coudn’t install Roon Rock.

I previously had a faulty M.2 that kept rebooting while running Rock.
Might be worth taking the drive out and giving it a run through a tool like Spinwrite or similar, or using Windows or Mac to remove the partitions

He tried:

@Gerco_van_der_Boon some thoughts:

  • As mikeb wrote, try a different tool than Etcher
  • Try a different USB stick
  • Don’t just remove partitions from the M.2 but wipe it completely (Google will find ways)

Nothing to do with your issue but FYI: No

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I removed all partitions indeed but did not wipe the disk completely. Mini partition tool does offer this option, I will wipe the disk completely.

That having said, the other m2 unit in the Nuc with Roon Rick installed is newer and I am fine with it. I will use the m2 unit, on which Roon Rock was installed previously, in the usb3 → m2 case as a portable drive.

Thanks for all the tips.

Sorry I meant remove partitions and get as low level format as possible. Though it’s a different world with SSD drives.
One of the reasons I recommend Spinwrite is it has a SSD friendly level 2 mode that doesn’t degrade SSD’S and can make them fix their errors through the controller by forcing errors.

I ended up throwing the one I had issues with out and buying another new one as I could not get to the bottom of the issues I had and nothing I did would make it reliable with Rock.


I use rufus.

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I had this issue the other day, when trying to install the latest version of rock.
Rock stated it failed to partition the drive.

So again I tried, after using a partition manager to remove any partitions, but no luck.

So again I tried, formatting the disk using Ubuntu, but no luck.

The drive was fine, and installed both Windows and Ubuntu no issues.

Any ideas? FYI, this exact PC, and SSD has run Rock previously.

I Have kind of the same problem. Never installed Roon Rock. Tryed on an NUC 6i5 SYB witch 32GB memory, one M2 256GB and an SSD 500GB. I got the same problem. I have tryed to install with 16GB memory only, with only a 256GB M2. Same problem.

I Have tryed to install Ubuntu and Windows on the Nuc whithout any problem as well. I also have the latest BIOS on the Nuc.
The reason to install roon on a Nuc is that I have experiansed performans issues on my i5 40+ MB Ubuntu compuer running Roon Core. I am not running much on that computer, but i get glitches in the music.

Eventually it worked for me using Rufus’ latest version 3.20 for preparing the usb-drive with Roon Rock.

If that doesn’t do the trick, delete all partitions on the usb drive using f.e. mini partion tool.

As above I deleted all partitions, I even formatted the drive also.
I also used rufus and etcher no difference.
When I installed Roon Rock a few years ago (non efi version), I had no issues.

I run Ubuntu with Roon server now. No issues.

Yes, I have met the same issue. I remove all the partitions by Ubuntu and still the same problem. But it install windows and Ubuntu OK. Could Roon professional answer this issue? Thanks!

They don’t monitor the ROCK discussion area of the forum. Post in Support to get official support

Thank you for your information!

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Changing NTFS to exFAT and disk type to GPT (not sure that was needed), in MiniTool Partition Wizard, that solved it for me.