Why can't I favorite TIDAL tracks in a playlist?

Which one? The album screenshot is an album that’s not in your library – you can tell because the Focus On Similar button has been replaced by the Add to Library button.[quote=“ged_hickman1, post:27, topic:12666”]
And I still can’t go to a playlist and see the favourited status of Tidal tracks that have been added to my library.

This depends on how it got added to the playlist. If you added it from the TIDAL app, or if you added it from the TIDAL version in Roon, then the reference in the playlist will be to the album on TIDAL, not in your library.

The playlist references don’t get updated from the TIDAL version to the Roon version later, because you subsequently added it to your library.

Let me know if that makes sense @ged_hickman1