Why did Roon fire Springsteen from his band? (Broken Primary artist links)

Broken Primary artist links

Hi there!
Since a while back, after an update, Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band as a primary link had been broken in Roon. This means that albums with Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band (550 in my collection) are now displayed as The E Street Band.

While this isn’t a huge problem it is still annoying and I thought I could just change back the Primary artist link. But strangely that artist is no longer available in my Roon. Just gone.

Does anyone know how to sort this without ruining something in my library?

Three pictures are included that show the problem.
As you can see in the album view there is no link under Bruce Springsteen at all, even though according to second picture Roon see album artist correctly. Then you’ll notice that the Primary artist links are broken into Bruce Springsteen and then The E Street Band separately.

I’m a little confused here.
Happy for help.

### Have you made any edits to this content in Roon?

Is the album identified in Roon?

Is this content from local files, TIDAL, or Qobuz?

Screenshot of import settings

Description of the issue

GREAT QUESTION! I have been wondering the same thing - why remove “Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band” as a primary link…?

Out of curiosity, how do you have Springsteen & E Street Band albums organized in Roon now? With primary links for both “Bruce Springsteen” and for “The E Street Band”? Some other way?

I have been struggling for a while with how to best organize Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band albums. I too have hundreds of these albums.

Ideally, I’d love to see the Bruce Springsteen artist view handle this presentation dilemma by displaying as follows:

  • ‘Main Albums’ and ‘Singles and EPs’ - only those albums/singles where “Bruce Springsteen” is the sole primary artist link (e.g., solo or studio albums/singles)
  • ‘With The E Street Band’ - only those albums or singles where both “Bruce Springsteen” and “The E Street Band” are primary artists (e.g., live albums).

Is there some way to do this? I would offer a reward for a solution here if I could!


Hi Jordan!

Actually no reply from @metadata_suppo so far. Maybe I did something wrong with my post?

I have long hoped that this would be solved in an update, so I haven’t changed anything in the way I organize. So for now titles tagged with Bruce Springsteen are being displays just as Bruce Springsteen.
All the over 550 titles tagged with Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band however, are only displayed as The E Street Band. The part of the link in front of that is dead. I.e. Bruce Springsteen &. Which of course isn’t either fun nor correct.

So from my point of view the Primary artist links should be the way they were:
Bruce Springsteen
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band
And nothing in between since that only messes things up badly and that is is actually two different things. Especially for collectors with many shows in Roon.

I still think the solution is that Roon changes things back to what they were just recently!

Byt he way, if you’re collecting bootlegs, which I guess you are, I have a tip that me and my friends use.
We name the individual folders of the actual albums so that Roon displays both record label, product ID and if it is an AUD or FM or SBD or whatever.
A folder on our servers could be named like this:
Bruce Springsteen & The E Street Band - 1973-01-31 Max’s Kansas City Night (CC 874, FM)

Works fine and looks great!

You could also add the tag LIVE/YES and BOOTLEG/YES in a metadata editor and Roon will show songs as live versions and automatically sort the album as a bootleg.


I have separately PM’d @Wes from Roon technical support. Hopefully he can help get this fixed.

Great! Let’s hope he can appreciate the value of this little issue then.

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