Why does Nucleus+ go on strike?

I have emailed you the details. I plan to sell a 1TB SSD as the system version, but how will the operating system of Nucleus+ migrate to the new 1TB SSD?Can you give me a detailed operation tutorial?

The Nucleus should be 2 cores, 4 threads. Each thread will be shown as a core so “four cores” maximum is correct. If you wish to use Roon while it is doing analysis, set the machine to one core and it will be able to use others for playback and any DSP. The primary aim here is to get the bulk of your analysis done. That may be best done on a more suitable machine then transfer a backup to the Nucleus if it will fit.

If it doesn’t fit the main problem is there is no official way to clone Nucleus on to a different drive. They would either need to provide you with a way to download Nucleus OS to a USB drive (with all of its security implications) or you can figure out a way to clone the drive to a bigger M.2. But the fact remains that the Nucleus+ is probably not the right tool for a 100,000 album collection.

Hi @Li_fangyi63,

Where did you send this? Do you mean you sent it via private message? If so, I’m not seeing any private messages from you, you would need to click on my name → message.

There is no way to migrate the Nucleus OS from one drive to another. It sounds like you may need a custom solution for your database size. Please provide the screenshot of your Overview tab and we can proceed from there.