Why I VERY nearly didn't Renew my Membership

@Mike_O_Neill You’re not alone. I still maintain that Roon is a wonderful product but it’s not without flaws. Full credit to the Roon team for continuing to enhance it and improve it. Overall I believe it’s the best option out there in this category, and by a pretty wide margin. However, the multi-disc box sets are definitely a problem You explained the issue pretty well so I’m not going to repeat the specifics. I really believe the Roon team needs to prioritize this issue much higher than it currently is. A couple of other things I would add to my wish list. One is playlists. Roon needs a better solution for creating smart playlists. I’ve never been able to warm up to Focus. I have to point to JRiver as the best solution I’ve come across in this category. Finally, I want to mention compilation albums. There needs to be a better way of accessing compilation albums. To close, I want to reiterate that Roon is an excellent product. The preceding suggestions are meant to be constructive. I believe the Roon staff work hard to continually add value to the product and I believe I speak for a lot of users when I say that is very much appreciated.

@Fernando_Pereira I agree this is an issue but what if a user provided their own identifiers after the disc numbers in the metadata (in brackets) to at least identify the specific album in the box set. Perhaps not ideal but better than what we currently have. I would think the code could be modified to look for that type of data in albums that have more than one disc.

Still 2 days before Christmas, let’s hope the Roon team heard our wishes :mage::christmas_tree::gift::gift:

I completely agree with you that the box set issue is not limited to classical. Classical do present multiple issues but a great many non-classical multi-disc sets have some of the same issues. In particular I’m thinking of multi-disc reissues which often add new material on additional discs such as singles, rarities, demos and live sets. At the moment it’s very difficult to identify what is on these additional discs. There are also multi-disc sets of previously released albums where the discs in the set can’t be easily identified. There are other examples but I think the point has been made.

I keep going back to how much of a (simple?) improvement it would be to add a customizable ‘Disc Title’ or ‘subtitle’ field to multi-disc sets. That improvement alone would significantly improve my classical experience in Roon, and would also be useful in other genres (e.g., reissues with Stereo album, Mono album, outtakes and alternates, etc.). Even better if one could assign additional/different artwork to each disc or sub grouping.

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Boom. That’s my wish list for box sets. I can handle the rest with careful tagging.

EDIT: for my parallel FLAC collection (outside of iTunes/Roon, used with Audirvana+) I use the “Grouping” tag to add sub-disc titles. Then, I separate the collection as [Disc 1]…[Disc N] with the box set as album title.

Shows up nicely in A+, as seen in the example below (Tears For Fears box):

This is an inane metaphor. Why? Because the most attractive person in the world, while being the best looking, could still be better looking. Roon has the best UI out there…and not just compared to some subset of lesser UIs.

We get it. You don’t like Roon. Your continual negativity is boorish. Be useful…

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So I have now been on Roon for 6 weeks including the 2 week trial.

I have been able to listen to music for EXACTLY 3.5 weeks. First it was that my tablet and phones could not access the roon remote to play my music. So I bit the bullet and bought a $400 tablet to be able to run roon.

Great all was well for the last 2 weeks… now nothing will connect with Roon core. I think the idea is fantastic but the implementation is GREATLY flawed. I am now several hundred dollars poorer! I have reverted to jriver and am exhausted by the time I have put into TRYING to make someone else’s program work on a very generic setup. QNAP ~ Win computer ~ Samsung tablet.

What a waste of my hard earned money!!!

Good lord, don’t do that.:laughing:

Many people here have a similar setup as you, without any problems.

Many people here, not to mention @support, will help you.

Slim’s right, we are here to help. What are the specifics of the problem? They often creep up like this if there is an update or if a firewall setting reverts. Have you tried with firewalls off as a debugging effort?

This didn’t creep, it just happened, just like the several times I’ve had to reboot my NAS so that Roon would work.

Yes fire wall off, fire wall set to allow all raat and roon, reset, uninstall, new install, reboot, reboot, reboot…

Roon is a fairly resource intensive application and one that might struggle if your hardware is under stress of the applications especially roon. Certain functions in roon will cause systems not up to spec to suffer and possibly have issues. Importing of music and audio analysis are the primary ones when new libraries are being created.

Thee are many here who will help. Sometimes it just a matter of riding out initial system performance hits based on what is not a perfect fit for the hardware you have spec wise.

@Claus_Blem Starting a new thread with specific system details and problems encountered is your best bet and as noted to Flag support.

See here I'm having a problem with Roon -- where do I report it?

Sadly, another year and still no good solution for handling box set metadata. As long as Roon insists that the solution is in their metadata provider(s) this will never be solved. Roon needs to be much more flexible and allow some user customization in how box sets are handled.


JRiver manages it , whatever you think of it so why not Roon

Sometimes I really wonder if I should use JRiver to play and Roon just for info, my frustrations would go overnight …

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Once can assign whatever artwork one wants. One of the options for covers is Roon or “file”; so you can have the artwork in the folder with the music files or embed a link to the art you want with the metadata. You need a metadata editor for that, I believe.

I already do that

Think about a box set of 50 discs, each of which was a CD in its own right, you can associate, embed the original artwork into the files (Tag & Rename does this for me)

How does Roon handle that, it provides 50 hyperlinks Disc 1 … Disc 50 BUT the box shows effectively as an album ( Box ) with one collective piece of artwork say the box cover the individual embedded images are lost. If each disc has a folder.jpg in its master folder these show as a set of images but not associated with a specific disc

The 50 embedded album covers are not shown

That’s the point, in JRiver I can create a composite box and show all 50 covers. The only thing I can’t do is have one overall box cover, not an issue to me

Now extrapolate that to Mozart 255 with 200 discs, it is impossible to navigate so you have to use more convoluted techniques with compositions etc

Don’t get me started :mask:

I’ll post the images again if you like

the only way round it is to trick roon into thinking it’s 255 individual albums, by putting the discs into 255 discrete folders (along with the discrete art for each sub-disc). Ive done this before with box sets…eg a box set of Oscar Peterson where each disc effectively has it’s own album art and really is better displayed discretly- Likewise with some BB King box set i have. Also done it with some classical boxes. It depends on mood my side, lol.

it’s a fudge but it can work. Better Roon should allow discrete and personal text per disc and album which is searchable. It would solve so many issues!!

It’s a fudge I do as well , not ideal especially when the discs don’t match anything Mozart 255 is a good example , very few of theists started life as a release

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It’s getting to the anniversary of this thread , my indecision continues, we await 1.7 whenever but there is no indication a to what will be addressed if anything

Well we all know there is a big internet radio makeover in the pipeline.