Why no Hifiberry branding in signal path

Hi @spockfish is there any reason I dont get any branding for the HifiBerrys in my signal path? I thought all partnered products showed branding or is this for audio hardware and not HATS?

Simon, I think you have to use the Roon Ready software from the hardware manufacturer to get the specific line art. So if you use the HiFiberry software youā€™ll probably get it, but Ropieee and DietPi are generic for lots of HATs and they donā€™t have access to the line art of Roonā€¦ May also be a branding issue involved as well - Iā€™m not sure about that.

Ok thanks Geoff. Makes sense.

This is actually something that I should poke the Roon guys for. For a lot of distroā€™s I can imagine that this doesnā€™t make sense for Roon, but RoPieee is ā€˜strictly Roon onlyā€™. So it would be very cool if we can get RoPieee certified by Roonā€¦


Ropieee is essentially just an os running RAAT which by definition should allow it to be Roon certified as far as the RAAT part goesā€¦so this I hope would be a no brainer @danny

RoPieee is running RoonBridge ā€“ there is nothing to certify.

The ability to be able to either select or submit custom icons for zones has come up as a feature request a number of times, e.g.:

Itā€™s probably so far down the list of priorities that it will never see the light of day, but it would please some of usā€¦

Shamefully bumping this, might be useful to someā€¦ Iā€™ve noticed while fiddling that it is now possible to ā€œIdentify your deviceā€ and get the right branding, even when running Ropieee instead of the HifiBerry image.

The only thing Iā€™m sad about is the ā€œHigh Qualityā€ signal path. But I can live with it. Thereā€™s no way those Phantoms can be played at 108 dB :sweat_smile:

What about the Phantom Volume remote? You could disable DSP in Roon and get lossless signal path? I know the Phantom remote is ā€˜temperamentalā€™ so your solution may be the best after all :neutral_face:

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Good callout, thanks. I havenā€™t gotten the Remote because Iā€™m currently using the two Phantom Golds in ā€œOptical Directā€ mode with L/R channels. Controlling two of them with the Remote requires using the Dialog IIRC.

I wonder if thereā€™s another RAAT supporting USB solution for the RPi with TOSLINK that I could hook up to them which maybe also does MQA unfolding?

I see! For Optical Direct I guess you are already using the best method for volume control. I am not aware of any RPi RAAT+TOSLINK that is better that the one you are using and certainly none with MQA. Iā€™d think the MQA unfold in Roon is good?

Yep :blush: Seems fine. Iā€™ve had some trouble with my Lindy Optical Splitter. Trying another unit now that officially supports 192kHz and shorter cables (3m vs. 1.5m).

For remote control I might try to find a IR based solutionā€¦

Great little unitsā€¦ I have one that splits the optical from the TV into my soundbar and a special Photonics unit that uses bluetooth to connect to my wifeā€™s hearing aids so I can now listen at a more pleasant volume on the soundbar or even turn the soundbar off and my wife can hear everything thatā€™s being transmittedā€¦ so much better than having to have the soundbar blaring at everyone :sunglasses:

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