Will the gear I have work for HQ Player in Roon?

I’ve seen reports that it does work. So far Microsoft has not been offering Windows 11 update to any of my Windows computers. But I’d expect to get it on one of those soon.

I haven’t had the offer either @Jussi but you (and others)may want to try this.


I have just downloaded on my spare Windows PC, and can confirm that HQP does seem to work. Only tried for 5 mins mind you, not long enough for a real run out but promising anyway.

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I have just one Windows PC where I could risk things by trying it. I’ll look into upgrading it with Windows 11. I don’t want to risk my development machines… :sweat_smile:


Yeah, the machines which have “new” enough CPUs are not running upgrade-able Windows. (i.e Enterprise LTSC). The other machines, even though they meet all the other requirements, have CPUs not on the official list. So. Probably not going to be using 11 anytime soon. The “upgrades” are, for me, not worth any effort to achieve; especially since I am a Taskbar on the top guy.

If one is using AMD CPU, it may be good idea to wait a little:

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Have been using HQP on my Windows 11 Upgraded PC for 3 or 4 hours today. Runs like a dream.