Woo Audio Phantom DAC USB Connectivity Issue with ROCK on NUC 7i7 BNH (ref#H50KQ4)

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What’s happening?

I'm having trouble with my DAC, speakers, streamer, etc.

Woo Audio Phantom dac (USB) disappears after 10 seconds of connection to a ROCK on NUC 7i7 BNH

You should talk about this with Woo Audio probably?

Roon is Linux and does nothing special when it comes down to drivers. ROCK doesn’t even contain the special patches for DACs that streamer often contain (a deliberate decision). You already know that your DAC is problematic even with such (optimized) streamer products. I don’t think that Roon Support can fix your DAC or will write better working Linux drivers for it (if the driver is even to blame for the issue).

It Is working on Volumio raspberry PI3

Good, then use that.

PS: It might as well be just a power issue (the device violating the USB power specification and the NUC not liking that).

I want to connect to Core, it need a kernel update on Rock

Then install an other Linux distribution. There you can install the kernel you like and/or even compile your very own patched kernel. ROCK is distributed as is.

PS: It might as well be just a power issue (the device violating the USB power specification and the NUC not liking that). – in case you missed this –

So you could for example booting an other (live) Linux distribution form a removable media to see if the situation changes. If not, then it probably is a USB power specification violation that the NUC doesn’t like – or more than just a simple kernel update is needed.

Comparisons with completely different platforms however don’t help as they confirm nothing.