Damn, this seems to happen every couple months! Roon will not run on Windows 11. This is as simple a system as could be. All my music is on the same SSD that Windows 11 is running on. Nothing is “remote.” Roon itself opens randomly and says “Waiting for Roon Server,” even though Roon Server. I go into AppData and try to start RoonServer as Administrator. I do the same for Roon itself. Doesn’t matter. This is extremely frustrating, as it keeps happening. I will not renew Roon – as much as I like it – until it’s stable under Windows11
This is my Dell laptop Roon server. It works perfectly. Something is wrong on your system. I use my Dell Roon server frequently for two or three weeks at a time when away from home with no issues.
Hi @David_Fair,
From our records it looks like you had a migration issue that is causing this instability. Luckily there is a simple fix.
- Create a Backup of your current database
- Exit out of Roon
- Navigate to your Roon Database Location
- Find the folder that says “Roon”
- Rename the “Roon” folder to “Roon_old”
- Reinstall the Roon App from our Downloads Page to generate a new Roon folder
- Verify if the issue persists on a fresh database before restoring the backup
Please let us know if you need any further assistance.
OK. I relabeled Roon to Roon_old and RoonServer to RoonServer_old. Did the install, which did create new Roon and RoonServer folders with the apps in them.
So I told it to find the RoonServer on my PC. Whitescreen, nothing happened. Next suggestion?
Did you set Roon server to launch on boot up of your computer? If so, try rebooting. Then, wait a minute or two for Roon server to start, then launch Roon.
Hi @David_Fair,
Did you click “Find my Roon server” or “Use this PC”? If you clicked “Use this PC” then check what @Jim_F mentioned in his comment.
RoonServer has always been set to launch on boot. Rebooting the PC didn’t help. I gave up. Tried it again a day later, and Roon is mysteriously working again. Having changed NOTHING. I don’t know if this is Roon’s fault or Windows11. Usually the latter is the better bet. However, I have not had flaky problems like this with any other app. But we can close this thread till the next time it happens…
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