'Your top albums' showing different versions of albums as multiple entries

I am wondering, is it intended behaviour that the Home screen ‘Your top albums’ chart shows different versions of an album individually?

For example, I have both local file and tidal versions of Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked in my library, and they are a combined entry with two different versions in the versions tab - however the counted time in this chart is split to each of these individually as shown.

However, in the album view sorted by most played, this isn’t the case and it just shows the combined album, as shown below.

This doesn’t make a lot of sense to me, as if I have combined them in the album view, I see them as one album so counting individually is a bit annoying - not the end of the world but a bit of an irk!

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I don’t know if it’s on purpose but recently posted some musings about this in the post linked below.

In My Albums sorted by Most Played, the version plays are combined if you have versions grouped, but in the stats in Home they are separate.

Whether on purpose or not, I can at least see that some people might want the stats separated because they are interested in how many times they played a specific version. To satisfy everyone, this might need a toggle.


Maybe also worth noting that it’s consistent insofar as the top of the Home screen also shows the number of all albums and counting versions separately, while My Albums shows the number with version grouping

Toggle would definitely be a great idea - I can for sure see what you mean if people are listening to versions of the album that are different in terms of different mixes etc, there’s definitely a use case for both - but when the only difference is streaming vs local files it can make not a lot of sense!

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Hi @Jack_Flude ,

Thanks for the report here. Since this is not quite a Support issue, I have moved this case over to the Roon Software Discussion area and have internally flagged our product team so we can take a look at this behavior. Thanks for flagging us on this!


Cheers Noris, no problem!

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