So now Roon is outputting video to chromecast as an endpoint, there is no reason technically why you couldn’t integrate YouTube. Certainly would allow to have the Tidal videos play.
And when you group zones you could adjust the delay for the network to make everything synch
the integration of youtube in roon would be great.
+1 agree this would be a great feature
yes agree on this ++++++1
Any potential for this to happen?
I would really like to see an interface for YouTube also, all of my non audiophile buddies pull music from there when we get together. Presently we just push it through Chromecast, but I would like to push it through Roon.
Volumio has an interface that lets you see an play from ones subscriptions, playlists…
I too would love to see a robust Youtube integration. In fact, it’s the only thing holding me back from purchasing a Roon membership. A major selling point of Roon is having all your music in one place and for a lot of us, Youtube videos are part of our collection.
I am actually bumping this @danny.
The premise behind forcing YouTube idea is that you can’t force taste or quality to people. You got to lure them. Invite them kindly with great YouTube integration (liked that copy past link idea @seth_Godin1) then finish them with MQA!
Another possible bump for Youtube Music integration. This is quite a show stopper for using the product. The overall product looks good and the controls are nice, but it doesn’t help if the sources I use aren’t available.
Personally I think youtube integration would be a mistake. It would be a navigation and metadata nightmare, sorting the crap from the good stuff would be almost impossible, and who’s responsible for policing the quality of content? YouTube? Roon?
There are already a Myriad of ways to get youtube into your hifi:
-chrome cast via optical
-Apple TV also via optional for gen 3 units
-airplay from phone
I really can’t imagine how you’d integrate any kind of meaningful function with roon and youtube given they are almost at complete odds with each other.
One is a high quality control system for two channel audio with a focus on metadata and information.
The other is a shitstorm of crappy “videos” often labelled in such a fashion as to make them clickbait, with no useful tagging or metadata structure and no emphasis on quality. Roon isn’t even video compatible.
Not even sure why you’d want to integrate the Two.
Someone’s wife wants to listen to youtube because “it knows what I like”. Yes and that’s YouTube’s algorithms doing that, not roons. If youtube gives her what she likes, have her use youtube? Why reinvent the wheel?
Maybe I’m missing something, but I literally don’t understand the use case when there are so many other ways to consume youtube already.
Another vote for YouTube please…
Too much YouTube in the world.
-1 vote for YouTube integration.
+1 for Youtube! The’re many good live shows there, I’d love to use Roon DSP to get a better sound.
Never, never, never. Youtube quality is usually crap and should not be integrated into a HiRez product like Roon. DSP is never likely to fix it for all the integration problems it will bring. IMHO
I agree about studio albums, but what would you do with content, which has never been released elsewhere than youtube? Like live concerts mix sessions?
WASAPI + DSD upsampling actually does make sound somewhat better. Of course this is not hi-rez sound, but it’s still better if the only alternative is a browser with windows sound.
I agree YouTube has some fantastic content. It’s not great audio quality but I believe that content is still worth experiencing.
This is just a practical point for folks to consider: it is one thing to watch Youtube on a single device. Consider how difficult it will be to sync up video and audio through the multiple device chain that is Roon. Video through your ipad or desktop, audio from the core to something connected to your audio system.
That is a substantial can of worms. I’d love to be able to see this work, but I think Roon has a big list of things that are probably higher priority.
I play YouTube via Chromecast to my TV and hence my Hi Fi there is some great content there that sounds great on my system also much utter rubbish recorded on a mobile phone.
Not sure how Roon could integrate it.
I agree also IMHO
+1 for YouTube Music service integration
I don’t care much for the videos but YouTube Music service has a lot of well curated music. Maybe not Tidal or Qobuz quality but I would run it parallel to my Tidal. It helps discover music that sometimes Tidal even has on their catalog but never came up as a suggestion or playlist. I find the Tidal curation not so adaptive to my taste. For that matter even Spotify integration would help discover music without coming out of Roon every time.