Network error. Keep getting message i.e. Internet conneciton


Tried to login lots of time on my PC (Windows 10) and I keep getting this message: Network error: Please check your internet connection’’. I have tried to close Roon, reboot, uninstall and install, but I keep getting this message. It’s very frustrating! When I change Core to manage my music library and log on to my MacBook, it works perfectly.

Can you help? Thanks!

@Francois_Guignard You might like to provide more details so that @support can and others here can guide you with a better understanding of the full setup you’re working with, devices, network etc

Please also indicate if this was a working setup or a new setup that you trying to get working.

This is a firewall issue. You need to enter Roon into the firewall exceptions. Best way to test it is to turn your firewall off.

Thanks, but I did turn my firewall off and it still doesn’t work on my PC. I have been having this issue for a month now.

Hello @Francois_Guignard,

To clarify, you are seeing this error on your PC when you try and log in with your Roon credentials to start the program as the core, not when you are trying to log into Tidal inside Roon? What type of router are you using? Are the Macbook and PC connected to the same router?


Hello @john, exactly, not when I am trying to log into Roon inside Tidal. However, I just tried again by uninstalling Roon, and install it again, plus deactivating my firewall, and it now works perfectly!



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