Sorry @Dylan and @noris I spoke too soon. USB DAC v1 not showing again in zone picker. I reboot and all is okay, until I return later to find it’s gone again. And other zones had disappeared too.
As you are…
Sorry @Dylan and @noris I spoke too soon. USB DAC v1 not showing again in zone picker. I reboot and all is okay, until I return later to find it’s gone again. And other zones had disappeared too.
As you are…
I am having the same issue here with zones showing in setup but not able to select for playback. Also maybe related I have 2-raspberry pi 3+ with allo dacs that are showing up with the same name. If I change one of them the other will also change? tried reimaging the SD cards and removing and reinstalling the roon bridge software with no effect. In this screen shot I just added the .81 IP address device and it added itself to roon targets in setup with a name already in use.
Roon 1.8 performance is getting worse by the day, for me. Initially, it just would not play on one Sonos speaker. I have reset my entire ethernet and Wifi (cable modem, then router/wifi, then Sonos speakers, then computers, then printers). I have completely wiped a Mac that was running my core Roon, upgraded to a Catalina, re-installed Roon 1.8, then retrieved cover art and everything else from a backup. Despite all this, I can only choose half the audio enabled devices as zones, regardless whether I try to launch from Core, another computer, or an enabled iPad using Roon remote. In addition, it sometimes says “nothing playing” while music plays and it has an empty cue while playing an album.
Last but not least, after the re-installation, when re-connecting my devices, they showed two identical cores to choose from.
I posted in a different thread but will add here because that thread was closed…You’re probably aware of this- but a clean reinstall on my core and local machines will not fix it either. I’ll try the restart as you suggest and see if that works.
As you can see same issue- neither my audio interface nor using the Mac default output shows up as a zone (and one my apple TVs disappeared as well)
Having same issue. Can’t select the Dragonfly Cobalt zone. So, dead in the water…
EDIT - I have 2 cores, the one giving me an issue is a Roon Server running on a mac mini, and playing to a PC (Surface Pro 7) through the Cobalt attached to the Surface. I also have a core (Roon Server) running directly on the Surface Pro. So far, haven’t had any issues with the local core. Hope thus helps, and I’ll update as needed.
EDIT 2 - Been noticing distortion from my Cobalt since 1.8, pretty sure. Anyone else?
EDIT 3 - With my local core, Roon is having issues keeping a good “lock” on the connection to my DAC. I often have to restart Roon or unplug and replug (word patent pending) my DAC.
EDIT 4 - I can now no longer select my DAC for playback on my local core. See below
All these are new to 1.8, just in case there was any confusion. Also, not intended as a “Roon bash” - I appreciate Roon. Hoping to help out the devs.
Same problems here. No reaction to support ticket published a week ago. I have a month until renewal, am not going to renew if these basic bugs are not resolved by then. Pity as the previous version was very stable for me.
Having the same issue here. It seems that overnight or sometimes during the day after Roon has not been playing for a few hours it looses some endpoints. Curiously, the Sonos ones remain but everything else appear to be lost from the “Select an audio zone” screen despite them being Enabled in Settings > Audio. Every time this happens (frequently) a restart of the Roon Core resolves.
Using a Mac mini M1 to run the Roon Core, did not have this problem prior to Roon v1.8.
Is there an ETA for the fix? I’m tired of rebooting both the core and ropieee multiple times until I’m finally able to listen to music…
Hi all and hi @danny,
I have always been a great roon supporter but this bug bricks my 3 RPI4 with Ropieeexl, my mcintosh my Dac and both Bluesound flex2i.
My house is roonified and so far no way to listen to music other than AirPlay.
I won’t switch on/off every day my Rock as it is not a solution.
So at the end it is my fault i get a 100% roon orientated system to listen to music. That is a lesson learned
Regarding to this essential bug the reputation of Roon certainly has suffered.
What a pity!
Tuesday is already ending and there is no fix released (though they had said it would come out early this week) - definitely disappointing.
Is there a way to revert to 1.7? I actually prefer it’s UI over 1.8 anyway, and it was very stable. I don’t remember having any issues with 1.7, and there is at least one feature that was removed in the upgrade (tagging/untagging is worse in 1.8).
I’m sure the fix will be coming soon.
Today’s notes;
I’m also running into this issue daily. Running to my basement to reboot my Linux server every day is quite annoying. I’m hoping for a fix ASAP.
Well, can’t you remote access/manage it at least? That’s what I do with my headless Mac mini used as a core.
I am also having the same issues. Frankly I am glad that I am also a JRiver enthusiast! Unfortunately that means I have to navigate Qobuz natively for now. I have been in the software engineering industry since the mid 1990’s. Roll-outs with no way to revert to prior releases is not a ‘best practice’ especially since the networking audio zones should not have really been ‘in play’ for this creature features type of update.
Lessons learned always have a backup solution(s). In this case restoring your entire computer to restore to the previous version would be “laughable” if we presented this as a production solution to any of our customers. So, it’s JRIver for now with native Qobuz navigation etc…
As it stands now the Tech Support folks are ‘blowing smoky vaporware like communications’ to their avid base of users which is not an endearing character to be portraying. No user manuals, poorly documented product with ‘forums’ to search for nuggets of value is quite the joke in the industry these days. If you have ever seen older IBM style documentation, or other you can appreciate this ~:^)
Curios to see how this plays out, it would be good to have other competitive products that connect to streaming services. I’m a roon lifer so hey I’ll just have to wait and see what becomes of the baby. You know what they say alpha, beta, whatever, you’ll never find all the bugs until the users get their hands on it. This is just such a non-starter, with no truth in communications they continue to waste all of our time and money.
You would be better served to get a PR company to help you before your reputation burns up entirely; really saying nothing is the worst thing you can do roon.
Pulling for you ya all, really!
The truth will set us all free…
Sure, but then I’m running to my home office, in the room next to where I keep my server, to do the same action. It’s still very inconvenient when I just want to listen to music!
I have been having the same issue as everyone here for over a week now. I didn’t think I should be bothered to chime in when they said a fix was coming Monday. As of Tuesday afternoon, still nothing, I figured might as well let Roon know and the record show, that there are plenty more people with the same issue who are just staying silent for the moment.
Edit, I stand corrected. New update was out 20mins before my comment. Zones work as intended now. Thank you Roon team.
They posted the fix a few minutes ago.
Hi everyone!
We have just released Build 763 which should help here. Please give it a try!