1.8 - Classical test drive and some frustrations

Coming closer on figuring this out: The ignored versions of „Fallstaff“ are „unidentified“ by Roon, one being a DVD rip, one being a ‚bootleg‘. It should of course not just ignore those.

In short, this toggle appears to be of limited value for the moment. I hope Roon can further fine tune it.

UPDATE: ‚Unrecognized‘ Albums are not the (only) source of the problem. Of my 5 complete recordings of „Aida“ (all recognized by Roon), only 2 show up when that toggle is active.

This is broken.

There should be something in the wiki, what I’ll do is PM you some of the set up of typical Classical views

It’s all in a Visual Designer scree, that’s pretty intuitive, it maybe tomorrow.

Thanks !!!

Sent a PM with some pictures

Thanks Mike. I am starting to remember now. Funny how all the configuration used to annoy and now it seems refreshing :grinning:.

i notice that there is the same composer vs performer problem for
Vladimir Horowitz (= composer)
Philip Glass (= composer)

That’s already been reported , its where a performer arranges stuff, transcriptions, cadenzas etc

i understand that. the point is that, like bernstein, horowitz appears only as a composer and not as a performer. so that in in his overview page i see only the albums containing his compositions, and not the (vast majority) of those where he plays piano.

as @Mike_O_Neill said, this is all known and recognised. Wait for the fix.

I hope this conversation is still under the radar…
Anyway I noticed in th album view that some compositions are missing the composition date:
So i went to the composition page and added it.

I returned to the album page but the date is still missing.

Other composition stuff that it’s not working (but it used to)…
I have this record by Jack Quartet. It contains 4 compositions

I cannot go to the composition called “Ergma”.
I tried going to Composer page\Compositions and I cannot find it even there.

Best regards,

With the latest update it’s even more frustrating the composition situation.
I have only one record of the following concerto:

From the album viewm I cannot even go to the composition:
By clicking close to the heart all I get is playing options

From the composer\composition view the Piano Concerto is there:

Can you please look into it?

Is that the only version of that composition in your library? In that case it is probably the same problem I have noticed: (Edited) The „In Library“ indicator is missing when only one recording is in the library See here:

Is this is the case, you may want to add your voice there :blush:

The 3 dots to the right of a track (not the composition title), and goto composition should always get you there.

Yes I know that. i correct my wording above.

But there should be the library indicator to show me I have 1 recording in the library! It shows me when I have 2, or 5 or 15. Why not if I have one?

Is a bug. Needs fixing.

Exactly, it’s so counter-intuitive go to a movement track to go to the composition if it’s the only one in your library.
But ok, I did it on mobile and works from the single track.

Just noticed on mobile I can’t see the description of the composition but i guess it’s already been reported that.

I still have the same problems about compositions from the post I wrote 3 days ago.
Maybe someone can help me as well on this topic.


If there is a description, then there should be an INFO tab (under the play button).

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I could be wrong (often am) but I suspect the composition is not recognised as classical.
You can check this via the composition browser and selecting show only classical compositions.

Composition dates only show up for classical compositions. So, how to make your composition a classical one?

Well, you can’t directly - you have to make the composer classical, and this you can do by editing the composer and changing the relevant flag.

Does that help?

It is recognised as a classical composition

Anyway I rally appreciated your help Brian.

Please can you tell me where is the library icon?

Clicking the “library” button doesn’t work, at least as I have done it. I already have it set to show the purchased albums and exclude Qobuz favourites from the library but I get all manner of stuff when I search. I am used to Audirvana, where I do a search, get albums, tracks or artists that directly mention those words, and see only what is in the library, not other things that might be related. A search with Roon so far for me works more like a search on Qobuz for Mac, bringing up all manner of stuff. I don’t do that. I only search the Qobuz favourites to find something I’ve chosen to try. If I search on Qobuz to find something I do it on the website, searching for a particular artist or composer, then add it to favourites.

To add to the difficulty, if I search and then play what I see I may be streaming, rather than playing what I own. Streaming here sounds worse. Also tracks not available for streaming don’t play, of course.