192khz files don’t play after 1359 update

Roon Server Machine

Yoga i7, 32 gig ram

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Verizon CR1000a, Ethernet, no vpn

Connected Audio Devices

Node USB out to PS AUDIO nuwave dac

Number of Tracks in Library

150000 tracks in library , Qobuz

After this update 192 kHz files start playing then in a few seconds are scratchy then skip to next song. Rebooted everything and still same problem

Curious. I just did a focus filter, selected all my 192kHz files, selected Random and played for about 30 minutes, fast forwarding after about 45 seconds on each file. Playback through Naim Uniti Atom and also on my Schiit Yggy system. Also, in both systems, I turned off all DSP settings to let them run stock. Yggy maxes out at 192kHz and Uniti Atom can go to 384kHz.

Then I added back the DSP setting I use, and when done so, no issues on either system. Do you use and of the DSP settings? If so, maybe try switching off and back on and see if either way works?

Sorry that doesn’t help you much, but just wanted to let you know that is not normal.

Thanks, not using dsp. Tried your suggestion tho, still not playing. Annoying as hell

Hi @CoochDigsMusic,

Thanks for writing in! Does this issue happen no matter what the output is? For example, if you play simply from the system output of a remote, or even a mobile device, does the same issue occur?

Let me know the name of the track playing, as well as date and time the next time it happens.

Once you let me know this info, I’ll go ahead and enable diagnostics for your account so I can review the logging for clues.

If you’d rather do it yourself manually, please use the directions found here and send over a set of logs to our File Uploader.


Thanks, see these screenshots. These Frank Zappa wil not play thru all the way. There is heavy static , says Qobuz loading slowly, then skips to next song. See Jan 13, 6:54 am date time on screen shot

Is this specifically affecting some Zappa tracks again or other/all 192 tracks and you are just noticing it for Zappa because that’s what you play most often?

Asking because there was already a long thread about your Zappa 192 issues a year ago:

No, it’s not just Zappa. Many others but not all. I saw that other post but problem is not solved

Hi @CoochDigsMusic,

Our team will take a closer look - in the meantime could you also provide more information on my previous questions:

We did notice a handful of log traces pointing to poor network connections, for example:

Warn: [zone Den/Outcast Node] Track Stopped Due to Slow Media
Warn: FTMSI-B-OE qo/A02B25FC: poor connection kbps:6423.0 (min:8399.0)

Are you able to review your router settings and see about setting your Roon Server device to have network priority?


[quote=“benjamin, post:11, topic:262018, full:true”]
Hi @CoochDigsMusic,

Our team will take a closer look - in the meantime could you also provide more information on my previous questions:

See above answers, thanks


Just wish to confirm I’ve been having a few Frank Zappa 24/192 issues at my end to see if I could replicate them.

I do indeed experience what @CoochDigsMusic experienced last year and subsequently now.

My thoughts are ethernet cable trouble - replace cable
Not full duplex 10/100/1000 - my WiFi AP is only 10/100 due to a cable issue from main switch to AP

Can the OP swap out the existing ethernet cable from Roon Server laptop to router. Try again.

Still occuring, swap out the ethernet cable (if not on WiFi) for the end point.

I’m going to connected my endpoint to ethernet which isn’t faulty.

It’s not your network. I had all these issues last year only with Qobuz and no other streaming services it affected hires to start but at times it was any stream. Happened at random times to. I thought it was just Roon but it happened via their own app and Bluos. Prior to this no issues for many years. Then it stopped as quickly as it started been fine since. It’s likely isp related to their cdn and more likely a load issue like when Roons metadservers go poof.

I can report by connecting my endpoint to a proven, full duplex 10/100/1000 tested ethernet cable that the issue I experienced has gone away.

I’d check ethernet ports for fluff, dirt etc.

Try new ethernet cables.

Do you have ethernet cables in your walls and connect at each end at wall points?

Edit: as per @Simon_Arnold3 states is also a probable cause

Thank. I have swapped Ethernet cables a few times, still problems

Thanks, good to know. But this problem is annoying as hell

It is have you tried changing your DNS service your router points to. Just to rule it out. Sometimes this helps when isp dns servers are a little underperformant. Try changing it to us Googles or Cloudflare

But reading your post a bit more you say scratchy, do you mean it skips or drops bits of the sound or getting static? I only got pauses and dropouts when I had issues no sound issues per se.

Does this happen only when using USB out? The node has had issues with USB and Roon in the past. Can you try using its coax or optical or its inbuilt DAC to rule this side out?


Happens on all outputs of Node, but only when playing thru Roon.
When playing thru Node and not Roon no problems.

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Do you think the Node could have a fault?

Do you have another endpoint to try?

We need to rule out the pc side as your node is on a different path when playing via its own app and Roon all goes via the server machine.

Can you try playing same files from Qobuz to the system output on the server machine just enable it as a zone in Roon to see if that experiences same issues. If all seems good then try using your dac connected to the server and set that as a zone and try again.

If you still get problems can you try the same files via Qobuz own app on the server computer and see if this is the same. This will help eliminate if it’s Roon streams or not.

Happens on my Cambridge MXN10 also, hooked up wirelessly in another room

I’ll try and give update. Thanks