A CD revival ? What a surprise!

Really can’t agree here but still it’s intriguing…

CD is underrated for sure, but I think it’s time to stop pressing all physical media.

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Ahem! The exit is thataway! :point_right:t3:


I don’t think I can ever give up my physical media…just something about the whole tactile experience.
Many call it antiquated and that’s peachy.

I love Roon/streaming for the convenience and music discovery but get rid of my physical media?
Ain’t ever going to happen…they can bury me with it all :grin:
Or just have a huge funeral pyre.


Might have to edit the title…


Right. I’m old enough and owned Walkmans, and that’s exactly why I don’t get it.


Pencil sales will no doubt increase in popularity as well.



Hopefully you get better soon Ged :grin:

Just reading this and thought some here would check their memories and see how far back they go :flushed:

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Streaming from 1997
MP3 player from 2000

So 78’s were before my time, but I did have multiple Minidisk players and a number of DAT Tape drives (but they were really for backup)

Other than that and multiple iPod/MP3 players it’s the same as yours.

Quite a few of the newer formats I never heard of though.

78s were before my time but we had them in the house.
DAT only for backup. My son had minidiscs.
Laser discs were used for hifi too they weren’t in there?

Now you mention it my dad hat Beatles on 78 and an 8 track in his Landover… Doh I am old after all :rofl:

I only remember laserdiscs for TV, but it’s quite popular, also DVDA excluded which I have a number of

SACD I suppose too

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Oh yes and I just purchased my first SACD Disc ever :grin:

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I’ve got one or two but don’t have a player :relaxed:

Well I finally got one of them delivered to my office on Monday, so post holiday fun is planned.

I need to do a wider search for discs though, as most of what I found is very expensive. Found Love over gold yesterday for almost £40 :scream:

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Would have been cheaper overall to buy a record player… :upside_down_face:

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Off topic posting, can we get a Moderator in here :innocent::joy:


If I find one I will let you know…

Was just about to steer it back to CD though.

I still play majority of my CD/CDR in our cars, 3 of them still have CD players although the 2 newer ones dont even have a CD player in them…lol
Yes I can stream via BT to any of them but I do tend to just stick in a CD and let it play.

Not sure as I will be buying any new CD anytime soon though, at least not while all the charity shops keep having a plentiful supply of bargain basement selections.

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