A guide for the display?

Not so expert here. I am looking fot a step by step guide to use the new display touchscreen for rpi 3b and ropieee. Where i can find it?

According to me, the new 7 inch touchscreen of Raspberry Pi (720 x 1280 pixels) is not yet implemented in the RoPieee software.
The “old” 7 inch touchscreen of Raspberry Pi (800 x 480 pixels) works perfectly on RoPieee and they are still available online.

Ok, thanks… do i need some specific option to make the old touchscreen work with RoPieee? Or do i need only to link the display to the rpi?
EDIT: And, do you know if in the future we’ll have support for the new touchscreen?

You only have to connect the Raspberry Pi 7 inch Touchscreen to the Raspberry Pi, and configure in RoPieee in the tab “Display” which zone it has to show. That is all.
I don’t know if Harry @spockfish will implement the new display. You can also check this link: RPi Display 2 support


Here is a link to the installation guide if you need it (there are sections on the display):

Not sure when this was last updated but here is a link to the settings (on the display after setup):


You have to connect the screen before installing Ropieee. You cant add in the screen to an existing installation as it needs to recognise when the software is installed to download the drivers.

That was the case in the old days, but I don’t think this is still necessary. I thought that you can add a display afterwards, without the need to reflash your SD card.

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I still think this is required as far as I am aware, and instructions only mention it at install time, Wireless changed so you can setup using wireless hotspot now and not have to have it wired in. I believe someone was trying to add one recently to an existing install and it would not recognise it.

Correct. If you fit the screen afterwards you can still configure it later on.


I have updated the guide to reflect the new dropdown “add zone” functionality that was released yesterday.


Which is the link to this guide?

good to know, been so long since I have had to.

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Check video " How to setup the Raspberry Pi Touchscreen" (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SIUfAIiSzJA) from 0:45 until 2:16. All before 0:45 is not for you. All after 2:16 is not for you. So just the video between the time 0:45 and 2:16.

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I followed the guide to install the display, but, having an hat, hot to connect the display to the raspberry? Do i need to power also the hat, and in this case how to do it? Actually i connected the cables how says the official guide of the display… bvut what i get is a blank screen…
Please help me…

Where is it? I cannot find this option on 2024.12

Yes, i follower that, but i have an hat installed over the rPi.How to connect the cables in this case?

Hello @Maurizio_Fabiani . The video cable connects the display to the Pi (no problem having a HAT installed on top of the pi). In my environment (using Raspberry Pi 3 + Official DIsplay), I power both the pi and display using two USB cables. I know others use the pins for power etc, but I opted for the USB solution as I found it easier (for me).

It would be helpful to see a photo of how you have things organized to see if someone can identify your problem.

Ok, i got the display working, but i cannot see the option to swap by 180 degree the display. Is there an option to do it?
EDIT: Found it!!!
Thanks for the support…


Just a stupid question about ropiee display. The raspberry shows infos only for the ropiee where the display is installed. Changing the zone i will see infos of music playing on another roon device? More, ropiee airplay renderer shows infos or not?