I apologize if this is not the right way to get a clear answer to my questions. Honestly I find your Support page overwhelming and my efforts to navigate it have failed. I gave up a few months ago but because I remain very interested in purchasing Roon, I am going to try again.
First my system(s):
In our entertainment room I have an iMac running OS 10.12.6. From that device I stream Tidal (including MQA master files). The iMac is connected to a LH Labs Geek Pulse DAC via a USB cable. The DAC is in turn connected to a Marantz SR6011 receiver.
This room is also where our home wi-fi system is based and where our modem/router/Apple Airport Extreme set-up is located. The iMac has an ethernet wired connection to the Apple Airport and our wireless system works well throughout our small house.
With this setup I am able to play MQA files from Tidal and the quality is excellent. However as I understand it I am only getting one of the two MQA “unfolds,” the one provided by the Tidal software. My other hardware is not equipped to provide the second unfold.
In our living room we have a what I consider a better two-channel stereo system. That consists of a Bel Canto 2.5 DAC that connects to a McIntosh MA6500 receiver and a set of Sonus Faber Concerto speakers with a REL subwoofer. In that room I stream Tidal through an iPad connected to the Bel Canto DAC via an Apple Lightning Camera connector and a USB cable. This also results in excellent sound in that room BUT…it does not allow for MQA playback because access to Master/MQA files is not available through my iPad.
I believe I understand I could install Roon on my iMac in the entertainment room. This would give me Roon’s benefits in that room, although I am not sure if it would change the quality of my Tidal MQA/Master playback in that room. My understanding is it would not. If there is an easy addition of some relatively inexpensive equipment that would get me the second MQA unfold on those Tidal Master files, I would be interested. But that improvement is not essential to my purchasing Roon.
What I hope for most is a way to also use Roon in my living room. The iPad streaming Tidal in the living room has the most up to date Mac OS software and our wi-fi network works well in that room. So is that iPad, once connected to a system using Room, capable of offering me MQA/Master files via Tidal in that room?
If not, what additional hardware would I need to consider purchasing so that Roon would work in both rooms AND so that I can stream Tidal’s MQA/Master files in both rooms?
Is there a way that the MQA/Master files could be sent wirelessly from the iMac in the entertainment room to the system in the living room? If so would that require another piece of hardware? Is there any degradation of MQA/Master sound quality on Tidal as a result of a wireless rather than wired connection?
Enormous thanks to anyone who can help me understand how this all works!