Core Machine
I run my roon core on my windows machine with an i9 11900 (non k) and stream to rasberry pi running roopie.
Network Details
my PC and raspberry pi are connected via a regular network switch.
Audio Devices
My chain:
raspberry pi → hifiberry digi+ → miniDSP nano digi → shiit audio modius → Genelec 8030
→ generic cheap dac → dual 8" subs
Description of Issue
My tidal connection is highly unstable and not at all usable. This is only a problem in roon on no other device do I get any problem when streaming tidal. This has happen a few times before but then disabling and enabling tidal fixed the issue. Unfortunately, this time it just won’t work. Unfortunately, roon is without real competition with an equivalent feature set otherwise I’d have already switched because of these constant issues.