After recent update getting message - "Waiting for Roon Server.." "Your Roon Server doesn't seem to be running"

Roon Core Machine

Windows 11
Intel Core i7 2GHz

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

Title of thread pretty much says it all. Ran most recent update and now I am getting this message and Roon hangs there.

“Waiting for Roon Server”

message and Roon hangs there.
I restarted my Lenovo PC, restarted Roon several times but no luck.

Seems like an issue with the most recent update since everything was working fine before the update.

Try restarting the network , wait until it comes up fully before restarting the core PC and Roon itself

2 posts were split to a new topic: After updating Roon - “Waiting for Roon Server…” “Your Roon Server doesn’t seem to be running”

I believe that with the latest release, there is an additional Roon component that needs to be added to the Firewall exceptions for certain configurations of Roon.

The roonappliance.exe should be in the list for these configurations.

Hi @Michael_Buchanan,

Thanks for writing in and for your patience so far! I wanted to check in and see if you were still having issues?

Let me know your status, thanks!


Yes, everything is up and running after I reinstalled Roon. After looking at a few other threads I believe that after the update there was a service or component that need Windows firewall permission. That was probably fixed by reinstalling Roon.


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