Albums not showing up or disappearing

I have noticed lately that albums that used to show up are gone and only the QOBuz version is there ex. Elvis Costello “North”.

It’s not in the skipped files. I can see it in the folders tab and if i add it to the play list it plays … so its not corrupt.

Can you give some more details to help clarify your issue?

For example, did you also add the Qobuz version of North to your library and have you got the “Show hidden tracks and albums” setting switched off? That might explain why you are only seeing the Qobuz version of the album, because it may have been set as the Primary version.

On the Album page for North, is there a “Versions” tab showing? What happens if you click/touch it? Screenshots would be helpful. See:

Great questions. Im pretty Roon savvy. Ive been a lifetime customer for a long time. I dont have the QOBuz vesion saved but all of the vesions show up when I click “versions” i routinely do that to see which is playing. I have unhide albums clicked. I hope that helps.

I clicked vesions and there were a number of versions…all Tidal and QOBUZ. I then went to the folder tab (thanks ROON for adding that @danny ) and played a few tunes from the library version of North. It still doesnt show up on the versions tab.

Will only have a version if Roon thinks that the local file IS a version. Best to start from the beginning and see if Roon sees it in the general library at all

1.Before doing anything else verify you got the “Show hidden tracks and albums” setting switched to YES.
2. Go to the Album Page, go to the filter Icon click it and enter North

Does your local version show up?

I have hidden files showing. North shows up but only shows the QOBuz and Tidal versions. I went to the folders section and played the local album from there. It olayed no problem. I have played it many times over the years and it showed up no problem but now even after i played the local version it doesnt show up. Im noticing this more and more. I went to the album tab and typed North. It shows all 3 local vesions i have. I went back to the artist tab and looked at the discography and clicked North…only the streamer versions show there.

If you go to overview tab under the artist, the album should show there. Discography is not intended to be a reflection of your library, rather what the artist has released.

Also, in Discography, try clicking the library icon and see what happens.

The library versions show up in The overview. If i click the library toggle in discography they show up. It when i am in the discography under North (which in 99 percent of cases shows all my versions) no local copies show up anymore…they used to.

Do you mean under Elvis Costello?

Yes. Under elvis costello. Then clicking the album North

From the album screen, go into your North album. Does it have the Unidentified state, like here:

I have 3 local versions but none of them have unidentified marker. I should say that they used to show up in the discography but just dont anymore

And when you go to one of your local albums, does it have a Version tab, and if so, does it show your other local versions? Some pictures of your local North album might help.

Yes i can all local versions under Album

Roon is not seeing your local albums as being the same as the streaming versions. The only way to change that is to manually connect them. Try adding the streaming version to your library and see if that forces the issue.

I will try that. I wonder why it changed. They showed up for the better part of a decade and now dont…odd. Did you play Rugby? I played in HS and college

Hi @Ben_Katz,

If you haven’t made any metadata curatorial or settings changes to your library that would have affected local file indexing, then Qobuz might have swapped an album object for another at some point due to distribution changes. It’s possible this might have dissociated the versions.

In any case, if adding the streaming version to the library hasn’t forced Roon to associate all versions of this album, then please share a screen of the Album Editor “Version tab” by clicking the “…” from the local version of North.


Yes, #3 Tight Head Prop.

I played weak side back

Ok. So i added the tidal version and all of my local copies now show in the discography. I have had others that didnt show but when i played then from the “folders” they show up again. Not sure whats going on as these albums have always shown up until recently. Also when i did add the tidal copy. My roon slowed down and it kept adding 1 track repeatedly for about 30 minutes. Not sure whats going on.

Also my album counts fluctuate every time i reboot and i have noticed fluctuations with artists shifting around and then when i come back its a different count.

My artist and track count flucuate now quite often.
Any idea whats going on?

As im sitting here tonight. I cleared the cache and rebooted a while ago but the positioning of the artists has been been shifting now for a while as if artists are being deleted or added…but i have not done either

I took a video. …a bit late to see most of the fluctuations…but i got some how can i add it?

All while was just sitting and listening…didnt add or delete. The fluctuations have beeen more pronounced but i couldnt catch most of it.