Today the DigiOne is not showing in Roon. I have restarted the Roon Core, rebooted the RPI, reinstalled the Roon Bridge on DietPi and still does not show. Raspotify works just fine and here is the output from the console;
root@DigiOne:~# aplay -l
**** List of PLAYBACK Hardware Devices ****
card 0: sndallodigione [snd_allo_digione], device 0: Allo DigiOne HiFi wm8804-spdif-0 []
Subdevices: 1/1
Subdevice #0: subdevice #0
root@DigiOne:~# systemctl status roonbridge.service
● roonbridge.service - Roon Bridge
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/roonbridge.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-07-20 22:12:46 BST; 7min ago
Main PID: 963 (
CGroup: /system.slice/roonbridge.service
├─ 963 /bin/sh /etc/roonbridge/
├─ 967 RoonBridge --debug --gc=sgen --server RoonBridge.exe
├─4001 RoonBridgeHelper --debug --gc=sgen --server RoonBridgeHelper.exe
└─4003 /etc/roonbridge/Bridge/processreaper 4001
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at System.IO.File.Open (System.String path, System.IO.FileMode mode, System.IO.FileAccess access, System.IO.FileShare share) [0x00000] in <4303af347dd845aaa
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Sooloos.FileLogWriter.WriteLine (System.String s) [0x00025] in <946cbf5d340e433aafff45f00f829007>:0
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Base.StreamLogWriter.WriteInfo (System.String s) [0x00012] in <665700bcbc434feface51529d00c5a34>:0
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Base.Log.WriteInfo (System.String s) [0x00000] in <665700bcbc434feface51529d00c5a34>:0
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Sooloos.Debug.WriteInfo (System.String s) [0x00000] in <946cbf5d340e433aafff45f00f829007>:0
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Sooloos.Debug.WriteInfo (System.String s, System.Object[] args) [0x00007] in <946cbf5d340e433aafff45f00f829007>:0
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Sooloos.Debug.Init (System.String source, Base.ILogWriter logwriter) [0x000f0] in <946cbf5d340e433aafff45f00f829007>:0
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Sooloos.Debug.Init (System.String source) [0x0000f] in <946cbf5d340e433aafff45f00f829007>:0
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Sooloos.RAATServerApp.Go (System.String[] argv) [0x00000] in <e4fdc0ca21d34f48ab4d73a65f031db4>:0
Jul 20 22:20:36 DigiOne[963]: at Sooloos.RAATServerMain.Main (System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <55502d6e01ee4ac5be14b84027d3cc91>:0
I have the Auralic Aries Femto version and an Allo Digione .
It isn’t close nor should it be . The Aries is much better as it should be at 7 times the price .
I will fully admit that the Allo Digione is a great device for the money but it is not even close to many higher end streamers.
The biggest difference is the Allo Digione has a thinner and more digital sound with a recessed soundstage compared to a Auralic Aries femto streamer.
Its not close either after doing A-B comparisons.
With that said, the Allo Digione is a steal for the price and is certainly better than a Squeezebox Touch .
As stated before i have compared the digione with a lumin D1 and found them to perform on the same level but with their own sound signature. I think that the Aries Femto is a better digital transport than the lumin (i know them both pretty well), but so is the digione signature. I think they might be closer when you look at the performance than you might think.
The problem i have with the Digione is its thin , recessed soundstage. I’m sure the signature one is better but I doubt it reaches the Auralic Femto version.
With that said, I think the Digione is at least on par with the microrendu with a LPS ! And thats with no LPS on the DIgione.
I tried an Ifi on the Digione and it was terrrible.
I doubt it bro and I listen to a lot of streamers. If you want to send me one, let me know. I’ll send it back after my assessment.
The Digione is THIN SOUNDING so while the Signature may be better, I still doubt is better than an Auralic Aries.
I know for a fact the Digione and the Aries femto is not even close.
I have heard the DigiOne in a good rig against a sotm sms-200 ultra + sms-500 PBS, so same price range as the auralic (not that price really matters) and the last thing I would say is that it sounded thin. I thought it was just as good, but some in attendance found the sotm slightly better.
A lot can go wrong in computer audio, and if it did sound thin, then perhaps there could be some issues which others have not had, as your opinion clearly does not reflect the majority of opinions I have read (and my own).
Is the DigiOne the best there is? Probably not. But very enjoyable nonetheless. Have not heard the Signature.
I have compared the normal DigiOne to an Auralic Aries G2 just to see/hear how it compares. The Aries is by far the better streamer, the soundstage and presentation is better and the DigiOne sounded a bit brighter/more in your face, but I was surprised how well it played along. I used the Allo PSU and compared them on the Kii Three speakers. The G2 is a lot better than the femto but so is the signature compared to the ‘normal’ DigiOne. That is why I think they might be quite on the same level. The new G1 is a step up from the femto so I hope I can compare it to the DigiOne signature in the near future.
And of course your experience can vary depending on your audio system. I really like how the DigiOne signature combined with my Dynaudio Focus 60 XD. With the Kii Three the clean sound was a bit too much and the ‘warmer/fuller’ sound of the Aries combined better with the neutral sound of the speaker.
I have one thanks, and it’s excellent. I’ve just got a signature as well, when its up and running, I’ll be able to comment on how they compare to MY ears and on MY system (but at least I will have heard it).