On the Android application for Roon you are unable to sort by newest. So defaults to alphanumeric. It is quite inconvenient to have to go to my iPad or computer to select a new song I’ve liked. It has been this way for a year so multiple versions. Pixel 3
I believe (but @support can confirm this) that this is simply the design of the Track Browser in the Roon Remote apps on Smartphones. So it’s a limitation, rather than a bug.
The Track Browser in the Roon Remote for PCs, Macs and tablets also does not have the Sort feature present in the other browsers; instead it presents a track list where the various attribute columns can be filtered and the list order reversed. These attribute columns are not present in the Smartphone apps, I suspect because of real-estate limitations.
If Support confirm this as a limitation, I suggest that you post a request for a design change in the #feedback:feature-suggestions category of the forum for the devs to consider. Thanks.
It’s such a silly limitation not to have sort or filter that I hope it’s a bug and nobody designed it like this. There is enough space there for a sort menu and filter. Both are available in the ARC app, so …
ARC was designed with the benefit of hindsight on the much older Roon Remote design… I suspect that we’ll have to wait for the next major iteration of Roon Remote which will probably be based around ARC’s design as the starting point. But, I’m just guessing of course…
Well it wouldn’t require an architecture change that would upend everything. For me personally not the end of the world but certainly an issue for frequent tracks users and very silly.