App on iphone doesn't recognize account and won't open

Roon Core Machine

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Connected Audio Devices

Number of Tracks in Library

Description of Issue

I have just installed Roon on my laptop and iPad, but I can’t get the mobile app on my phone to recognize my account. Please advise.

Thank you, Richard

Roon Core Machine

Laptop, latest software
iPhone 13 pro max, latest software

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Arris from Spectrum, VPN off

@Richard_Rothman, I have combined your posts, keeping the older one active so it remains in queue. Please keep to one post or add to an existing post, duplicate posts may result in delays in responses from Roon.

I also am tagging @accounts to first determine if this an accounts or technical issue.

Hey @Richard_Rothman,

Thanks for connecting with us. We’re sorry about the trouble.

Your account is in good standing and it can be used with Roon. What seems to cause the issue is running different versions of Roon on your devices.

Can you please update your remote devices (running build 1303) to the latest version? Your Core is updated to build 1311.

Once they all run the same build of Roon, you should be able to connect :nerd_face:

Hi Beka,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I’m sorry, I don’t know what update the remote device to the 13ll build means, or how to do it.

What are the exact steps that I would need to take to do that?


Hey @Richard_Rothman,

Sorry for failing to be specific. You would need to update / reinstall the Roon Remote and Roon ARC apps on your smart phone.

To do so, please, delete the app. Next, restart your mobile device. Finally, navigate to the app store and download the apps again.

That should do it :slight_smile:

Thank you for your reply, Beka!

I followed these steps - several times - and the result is the same.

Do you know what the problem is?

Thank you,


@Richard_Rothman, I have made this thread a personal message as your issue may be account-related and all account-related support requests are converted to PMs per Roon’s request.

What email account are you using to access Roon on your iPad, and are you sure this is the same email/password combination you use for your Roon Core laptop?

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Is Roon on the laptop work correctly, were you able to login to Roon?

If so then your Roon credentials and account status are fine … and the issue with the iPad is likely to be network connectivity and/or firewall rules).

On the laptop in Roon go to settings about, there it will display the version and build numbers that Roon is running. Please share this with us.

There are two, Roon Apple applications (Roon and ARC). On the iPad, please confirm what application you installed (from where and its name).
I’m assuming you have installed the Roon app but let’s make sure.

Below I’m going to post the standard questions that Roon’s support will ask could you complete please

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Hey @Richard_Rothman, to receive appropriate help, it would be really helpful if you could complete the template provided below.

You can copy and paste it in your reply.

Please be sure to include details of your core, network, storage location of your media files, and any messages displayed by Roon.

Including these details in your first post helps resolve your issues faster.

Thank you.

Roon Core Machine

Include your operating system and machine info (Model, CPU, RAM).

Networking Gear & Setup Details

Your networking gear (model of routers/switches/etc), connection types (Wifi/Ethernet), and any firewalls, antivirus, or VPN software.

Connected Audio Devices

Specify what devices you’re using and their connection types, like USB/HDMI/Chromecast, etc.

Number of Tracks in Library

Tell us how large your music library is, eg. “30,000 tracks”.

Description of Issue

Tell us about the problem you’re having in as much detail as possible. Screenshots are always appreciated!

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Hi Carl, Thank you for your reply! The laptop is Roon version 2.0 (build 1311) which did not match my ipad or the iphone which is (build 1303. I am deleting the Roon apps on my phone and ipad, I will restart both and reinstall. If that doesn’t fix the problem I will answer the questions on your next message. Thank you, Richard

Carl, I deleted all Roon apps, changed password, and restarted ipad and iphone. Roon Remote opened on the phone without any problems. Roon Arc still won’t accept my log in info. I see that the iphone Roon Remote is version 2.0 (build 1303), which is different than build 1311 on the laptop. I take it this is the problem, but the reinstall did not resolve the issue.

I am currently only listening with headphones and Chord Mojo 2 dac. I have not linked any offline music files yet.

Hopefully, this information is helpful.