Are dropouts inevitable? Is any number tolerable? Just bought whole new system

Thank you again everyone!! You’re interest is appreciated.

So, I found a few possible issues:

  1. When I first connected my new Mac M1 via Ethernet to the nearest Orbi Satellite I turned the wifi OFF in System Settings on the Mac so the mac would rely only on the ethernet connection. During this honeymoon period, it seemed to work flawlessly - no dropouts! …But over the past few days, we’ve lost power due to weather. Apparently, as the house powered back up the Mac re-connected to the house network via Wifi. I’m pretty sure this is how it was set while having the drop outs these past two days. I figured this out soon after my last post, turned off wifi on the Mac, and have not heard a single drop out since! …Could this alone explain it? …I continue to get ~100 mbps up/download speeds on the Mac core.

  2. For some reason (stupidity maybe?) I thought I had to have the Tidal App open and running along with Roon on my Core Mac Mini. So I was logged into the open/running App PLUS logged into Tidal via the Services Tab in Roon. …This is why I was getting the Device in use by a different user flag on the Tidal app on my desktop. I shut down the app while still remaining logged in through Roon and found all my Tidal functionality in Roon is retained. …Kinda dumb of me, I realize… But so it goes, I’m not great w/ this stuff. Perhaps this stops some internal struggling with Tidal that was cause song disruptions?

Anyway, I’ll have a 100 ft. cat5 cable at my disposal tomorrow. I’ll wait until I hear another drop-out then will connect my Mac directly to the Router.

As for settings, here are the settings from my DacMagic