Artwork not showing

I have an issue with artwork in Roon.
The moment when I click TIDAL it will show on the main page visible on screen the artwork, however when you:

  • click an album - no artwork (and you see it trying to run in rounds
    to load it)
  • go scrolling or say view all - then no artwork at all anymore. Only the first 12-16 remain.

The problem further then occurs that if you go back to your own library the same behaviour occurs.
If you however shutdown Roon and start it it will show back your artwork (at least when the last item you went into is e.g. your local musci library). Things work fine unless you go back to Tidal.

I run it now on a Windows8.1 / HP Envy / 64bit machine.

  1. Other issue i have is that I cannot start Roon normally I need to start it as ‘run as administrator’ otherwise it will not run.Will log a separate entry for it.

Regarding 1. For the first one I thought it might be related to caching: invalidating cache or something. So I looked in the logs. I see that there are multiple cache directories. Things I noticed in the logs are:

  • fiveaccountsserver = ok
  • storage/cifs = ok
  • httpcache loaded (35mb / 128mb) \AppData\Local\Roon\Cache\httpcache_2.db
  • update tidal location => False
  • [library] finished with 2825 dirty tracks 227 dirty albums 3090 dirty performers 1528 dirty works 1694 dirty performances 437 dirty genres 141 dirty labels 66 dirty countries 7 dirty periods 20 dirty forms 634 dirty places 480 dirty creditroles 0 clumping tracks, 0 compute tracks, 0 deleted tracks, 0 tracks to (re)load, 2825 tracks to retain, and 7618 changed objects
  • [tidal] registered metadata context for tidal-nl
  • update tidal location False => True
  • Status changed: ‘TIDAL’ (Type=Tidal) … is online
  • [storagemanager] managing storage backend My Tidal Library
  • [music/storage] Loading storage backend My Tidal Library
  • [library] retaining 0 tracks for storage backend My Tidal Library …
  • [music/storage] with 0 tracks
  • [tidal] beginning change detection
    Then a lot of:
    Created endpoint in dirty state
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: home
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: playlistbrowser
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: artistbrowser
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: home
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: albumbrowser
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: search
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: artistdetails
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: tidal
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: playlistbrowser
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: albumbrowser
    06/23 18:26:34 Debug: UI-FWD: skipping fwd2 due to lazyload: playlistbrowser

in other log:

Debug: UI-FWD: mode: playlistdetails
06/23 20:42:53 Debug: UI-NAV: playlist details / playlist: [object Sooloos.Broker.Tidal.TidalPlaylist] / bookmarkdata:
06/23 20:42:53 Error: main(403) can’t remove nodes of main(403) > vpanel(638) child.nodes.SelfIsOurs=False, child.Nodes.Self is null, child.Nodes.Self.Parent is null
06/23 20:42:53 Warn: image_process(UriImageSpec[Uri=,ImageSpec[DesiredTextureSize=256]], boxblur:10) resulted in System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (304) Not Modified.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at Broo.Engine.UriImageSpec.GetImageStream()
at Sooloos.Client.RootBase.<>c__DisplayClasseb.<method_image_process>b__e8(Object param0)
06/23 20:42:54 Trace: [metadatasvc] REQ…&trackid[]=a8003436393439323432&trackid[]=a8003436353137383134&trackid[]=a8003435323431313837&trackid[]=a8003436323839303239&trackid[]=a8003436393437393833&trackid[]=a8003435323138353835&trackid[]=a8003436303336323534&trackid[]=a8003435373438323638&trackid[]=a8003435373636343837&collection=tidal-nl
06/23 20:42:54 Trace: [metadatasvc] GOT (208ms) Sooloos.Msg.Metadata.TrackLitesData: a8003436353137383134, a8003435323431313837, a8003436323839303239, a8003436393437393833, a8003435323138353835, a8003436303336323534, a8003435373438323638, a8003435373636343837
06/23 20:42:56 Info: [stats] 610mb Virtual, 275mb Physical, 110mb Managed, 1312 Handles, 38 Threads
06/23 20:42:56 Debug: UI-BACK: mode: tidal
06/23 20:42:56 Error: main(403) can’t remove nodes of main(403) > stackpanel(355) child.nodes.SelfIsOurs=False, child.Nodes.Self is null, child.Nodes.Self.Parent is null
06/23 20:43:00 Debug: UI-FWD: mode: tidalalbums
06/23 20:43:00 Error: main(403) can’t remove nodes of main(403) > vpanel(638) child.nodes.SelfIsOurs=False, child.Nodes.Self is null, child.Nodes.Self.Parent is null
06/23 20:43:01 Trace: [metadatasvc] REQ
06/23 20:43:02 Trace: [metadatasvc] GOT (1946ms) Sooloos.Msg.Metadata.AlbumLitesData: a6003434323238363535, a6003435373133383939, a6003435333931393035, a6003435373231363331, a6003435333932323039, a6003435343034333533, a6003436313639363634, a6003435373133383631, a6003435343337323336, a6003434373230333138, a6003434343734363637, a6003435343430303537, a6003435343530373738, a6003435343036333534, a6003435343430303435, a6003435343034333737, a6003435343037373538, a6003435353134333433, a6003435323038373438, a6003435313038313038, a6003435333537303838, a6003435323335313338, a6003435323631373735, a6003435313433393331, a6003435313833323736, a6003435313835383130, a6003435313931333136, a6003435313835373733, a6003434353831333439, a6003435313637343438, a6003433333538303836, a6003434383738373934, a6003433333937363739, a6003435313836373738, a6003435323631373138, a6003434363331383937, a6003431323137343334, a6003434343137373738, a6003434363334373938, a6003435313931303336, a6003435313638373732, a6003435313435383333, a6003435313335363733, a6003434353935393132, a6003434373731353634, a6003434373332393932, a6003432383739373933, a6003433393238353334, a6003433303033363036, a6003433363533333433, a6003434373335393430, a6003432343535373231, a6003431393436323336, a6003434373335383836, a6003434383139303136, a6003434383832373430, a6003434383832373739, a6003434373838393039, a6003434373735373636, a6003434343630333336, a6003433373831303137, a6003435313038393134, a6003434353537313935, a6003434343630373932, a6003434363635323136, a6003434303333393133, a6003434363332333436, a6003434343134303439, a6003434313632373537, a6003432343635313338, a6003434333232363534, a6003434353733343938, a6003434313937303735, a6003434363030393538, a6003434363030373033, a6003434353438363736, a6003434363330333730, a6003434353537393630, a6003434353837343538, a6003430383437343137, a6003434353932373632, a6003434353537393133, a6003433353737323939, a6003434353636393235, a6003433373331383932, a6003434353538303630, a6003430393834383533, a6003433333937393937, a6003431323637393133, a6003434303535323438, a6003433383836343839, a6003339363330303834, a6003434303532373033, a6003434303935373333, a6003434353337313435, a6003434343836343733, a6003434333235313130, a6003339373139393838, a6003434333235393235, a6003430393132303033, a6003434323538333030, a6003434303733353531, a6003432373634313432, a6003434303936303535, a6003432313038393337, a6003433353630313033, a6003432373736303831, a6003434313930323735, a6003431313031303634, a6003433353630313336, a6003433373334323033, a6003432393732393539, a6003433383834333235, a6003430313936393637, a6003433353437333634, a6003433383932313832, a6003433333133363439, a6003433373635393831, a6003431343638313034, a6003433373831303536, a6003433333031373237, a6003430323438333539, a6003433353034323637, a6003432383537333337, a6003433353437363133, a6003432383635333932, a6003433353639333839, a6003433363631373230, a6003432383137353033, a6003432383537333832, a6003431313032303632, a6003433313533373139, a6003432343838333436, a6003432373538313134, a6003430333530313638, a6003431323831383332, a6003430323638333138, a6003432373538313434, a6003431303633343836, a6003432363536333735, a6003431303935303735, a6003431383431313230, a6003431303534373138, a6003431333532323830, a6003338383833383031, a6003430323433353231, a6003430353739343435, a6003430373833393638, a6003430373933393139, a6003431323935383235, a6003431303037353436, a6003430393133313237, a6003338393830303635, a6003335363834363731, a6003339363238383835, a6003339373931373936, a6003337383733343435, a6003339373138373933, a6003430333033393737, a6003339383334323132, a6003338323233373035, a6003338343838343530, a6003339353439343232, a6003339353439343335, a6003339313638393533, a6003338303836323635, a6003339343930343933, a6003338313037333035, a6003338393637303936, a6003337393637323730, a6003337393937343038, a6003338313038313032
-: UI-FWD: mode: albumdetails
-: UI-NAV: album details / album: [object Sooloos.Broker.Metadata.MetadataAlbumLite] / bookmarkdata:
06/23 20:43:07 Error: main(403) can’t remove nodes of main(403) > vpanel(1866) child.nodes.SelfIsOurs=False, child.Nodes.Self is null, child.Nodes.Self.Parent is null
-: [metadatasvc] REQ…&albumid=a6003435363333373137&collection=tidal-nl
Warn: [library] album id 379558 (166:0:45633717) not found

Hi @rtlgroen – I responded to your other thread, so take a look and we’ll figure out what’s going on.


Thank you mike.