Assumptions about creators of Roon

I too would like to see Primephonic integration.

Become a Musicbrainz member and upload your curated metadata with Musicbrainz Picard. Eventually that filters back to Roon and to everyone here. That’s what I do, anyway…


Thanks, Fernando, I’ll give it a look…

Yes box sets are a pain.
Yes new releases are handled well.
The speed etc of Roon is very system dependent (including memory). I’ve just upgraded the PC to he latest AMD processor, increased memory etc and the speed improvement is obvious on the16,000+ albums, many hi -rez and 70% classical, with stored capacity now 11TB on two HDDs.
I do not get the impression the developers ignore classical as I’ve received excellent help where needed. I migrated from Sooloos years ago and have never regretted the move.

so, if you are having problems, contact support as Carl says, but do have a critical look at your hardware.

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I wasn’t referring to any public announcements – just saying I wish Roon had a Primephonic hook-up so it would be as good for classical as for other genres.

With classical box sets, or the vinyl box sets I transcribe to digital, I first import into JRiver and carefully inspect/change the metadata as needed. I use aiff files that then have the metadata in the file itself. JRiver has an entry for disc number BTW. Then after all is well and good I import them to a roon drive. I then find the entry and if a problem I change the setting for that box set to take the metadata from the file and not from Roon. Usually takes care of the issue.

Still won’t give you individualised album art or even albums, unless you split the lot into individual albums. Then you have the added joy of having done that the box set becomes unrecognised. So the bottom line is Roon’s box set handling is an unmitigated disaster and if you’re dealing with classical box sets it’s basically unusable. Anyone that has extensive classical box sets would do well to look past Roon because it’s not fit or purpose where they’re concerned.

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There are multiple and ongoing requests regarding box set improvements. I’m really hoping that this will be implemented in one of the updates soon!

Exactly why I handle mine on JRiver, btw playing now just as sweet as Roon :roll_eyes:

Doesnt fix my 114 hyperlink problem with Brendel, JRiver does

Try “Smooth Jazz” instead…you might try the Rippingtons…Fantastic group and excellent recordings!

Well I just love my Roon and how I interact with it. I have about 800 albums and they sort, find and play instantly with zero problems. I use a dedicated, Music only, MAC Mini (Quad Core i7, 16GB RAM and 1TB SSD) that always is snappy to find anything I need in Roon. Roon has increased my daily Music listening time and I’m grateful they exist!

My point was that roon according to the writer roon is bad cause the programmers listen to jazz :innocent:

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Not an unreasonable position to take :slight_smile:.

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And they dont like spotify too much, but they love details, technology and comlexity

Aren’t AMG and TIVO databases? Then, why not try some type of crowd-sourced database for classical? I doubt we will ever get an automated database that can deal with classical box sets?

You are free to add weird classical releases in Musicbrainz " MusicBrainz is a community-maintained open source encyclopedia of music information", which once approved will filter out to Roon and the rest of us. Here’s an example of a large boxset.

Are you responding to the right post?

I have tried to add to Musicbrainz in the past and find it very hard and non-intuitive. If someone could post a good “how to” willing to try again.

metabrainz has it’s own community forum which may be a better place to look for help.

Just don’t expect to manage musicbrainz right from the start - it takes some time getting used to it.

Here’s my workflow for CDs (including boxsets) on macOS:

  1. Rip with XLD to FLAC.
  2. Check metadata with Metadatics, add/correct if needed.
  3. Move to Roon storage area.
  4. See if it is identified automatically, or through manual identification.
  5. If the release cannot be identified:
  6. Make sure you are logged into your Musicbrainz account on your Web browser
  7. Load unto Musicbrainz Picard
  8. Form a cluster from the tracks
  9. Use the lookup function to check that indeed the release is not on Musicbrainz
  10. Use the (previously installed) Add Cluster As Release to start the edit
  11. Try to ge Musicbrainz to identify all the fields (artists, label, …); if some are missing, you have to create entries for them
  12. Continue through the edit process until Musicbrainz accepts it (it won’t if required info is missing)
  13. Wait for approval a few days
  14. If you’ve been successful in adding enough edits that no one reverted, you’ll eventually become auto-approved :smiley:
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