Note that I’ve had a few days ago. Roon was good post NUC reboot, but I was stationary with the Chord Mojo2 / Poly. Today, I was moving about my apartment.
This is a similar behavior to this ticket but I now have one additional mesh so I believe I have solid coverage throughout my entire apartment.
Unfortunately, the issues you’re dealing with are likely related to the mesh network. A recent Roon Server diagnostic is showing slow loading due to dropouts and poor connectivity:
Trace: [Chord Poly @] [raatclient] GOT [13] {"status":"Dropout","samples":96000}
Warn: [Chord Poly] [zoneplayer/raat] Too many dropouts (>3s dropped out in the last 30s). Killing stream
Trace: [Chord Poly] [zoneplayer/raat] too many dropouts. stopping stream
Warn: [easyhttp] [2] POST check network configuration: socketerr (NetworkUnreachable): Network is unreachable
Roon isn’t capable of functioning across multiple subnets, I’d also disable any additional subnets you have on your network and see if your issues persist. In addition to this, I’d see about allocating additional network bandwidth to your Roon Server machine.