Audio Settings Error - 2 computers listed as same device

As was in the above link -

For the Core, everything that’s in these folders -

You shouldn’t need to do this, but as long as you have a Backup then it can’t hurt.

Yes, a Restore will put everything that you want back to where it should be, without causing you your present difficulty. If you are going to Restore then I would do that first, before you deal with the endpoints. Out of superstition, I would disable the endpoints before you reinstall to them, just to be sure you’re generating and using a new UniqueId. Of course, before you do anything always Backup using Settings==>Backups.

Here;s a couple of useful links -

Your Qobuz selections are in Qobuz Favorites and that will repopulate Roon.

In an above post, @nuwriy seemed to imply that this problem was caused by something that Roon Devs were working on to change and that you had to wait for that to fix your problem, as least that’s how I read it. I think that the reference to the Devs was that they were going to change the process so that one wouldn’t run into this problem. You should be able to fix the problem without waiting for the Devs to change something. Is that true, @nuwriy?