Audio transport - ROON LOST CONTROL OF THE AUDIO DEVICE [Resolved - Missing Driver]

I have installed ROON and configured with my Devialet but when I pretend to play music I get this message: “ROON LOST CONTROL OF THE AUDIO DEVICE” and I have no áudio output

Hi, @fernandes_sousa, thanks for the report! Could you please follow a procedure described here and tell us about your setup?



Hi @fernandes_sousa ----- Thank you for the report, the feedback is appreciated!

As @Ivan has asked in his post, having the details of your setup as seen in the provided link will greatly aide in our evaluation of this behavior :sunglasses:

Furthermore, can you verify for me that you have configured the mentioned Devialet device according to our specs listed in our knowledge base? Please also confirm that you do not have the Devialet-Air driver active on any of your devices.


Problem solved. The problem was missing drvers for USB devialet

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