Audiolab says my new 9000N is Roon Ready and in my Roon settings it says it is uncertified and is not Ready. For the time being I am quite happy to use airplay, but if it is not Roon Ready shortly I will have to make another choice
The golden rule is to check the Partner listing on the Roon Labs website. Unless it says Roon Ready there, it won’t yet have completed the certification process (assuming that it has been submitted to Roon Labs for this).
Thank you for your reply. Thing is, that both in reviews, on their website and on the actual box the thing came in it says Roon Ready so it is the thing you (I) should need to check.
The other thing is, that according to Audiolab the certification is much delayed…
Yes then if the certification is delayed, audiolab shouldn’t be publishing it on their products. It’s not for roon to police what manufacturers publish on their literature and packaging.
The source of truth is the roon website and partner list.
I tend to disagree. Certification started several months ago, while Roon states it typically takes a few weeks. It makes production planning virtual impossible. Sounds like there is some sort of complication
They have a large backog at the moment, hardly anythign has been certified most of summer and autumn. They do have form for not updating their pages or releasing the trigger that stops the uncertifed showing up when it has passed. So contrry to what all others say itmight alos be Roon, AudioLab or both. As they rarely say anything so we are in the dark.
I think it would be helpful if Roon made things somewhat clearer. It now says it is Roon Ready and I can enable. And when you do, it suddenly cannot. And even worse, you have to dig deeper to find the link to the partner list
Even worse, if you click Device Info, it even shows the RAAT-SDK-version and nothing about incompliance.
Uncertified should not mean unfunctional.
Thanks for all the response. I guess I have to live with it.
It is uncertified, and therefore not yet Roon Ready. The certification process was introduced three years ago:
The relevant section in that announcement I suggest is this:
Uncertified devices are not meant to be sold to the public, but instead only used by the manufacturers’ development teams.
Not every manufacturer obeys the rules, thus breaking the trust the program intends to create. If you bought an uncertified device, it means the manufacturer violated the trust we wanted to create and have violated the Roon Ready license terms. We currently call out those development devices with a pink banner, as you can see above, in hopes that no user is fooled into purchasing “beta” hardware.
Roon Labs is perfectly clear; the statement of September 2020 states:
We currently call out those development devices with a pink banner
Following the transition period given in that post, the pink banner was removed from the Uncertified stamp.
By all means take it up with your dealer - but Audiolab are the ones at fault here if they have been promising the device to be Roon Ready before it has been certified.
Pointless discussion. I think Roon’s approach does not help. And agree Audiolab should not sell their stuff as Roon Ready. But that’s neither here nor there. Roon should not force a company into this situation if they did start the certification process timely. Which I do not know.
Enough said, I want to enjoy the music.