Audiophile Switch Experiment Results

‘Highly revealing systems’ are, as you should know, a law unto themselves :wink:

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The most real situation while listening to music is while sitting in my own sweet spot, music playing and all my senses are open and responsive. I imagine this is how all of you listen to your setups also? If I experience differences in this situation the yes, they’re 100% real to me. I accept the possibility of placebo. And don’t worry guys, it’s my money and I can afford it.

I imagine some people here would buy gear just because Amir says so and it measures perfectly, even though it would make your ears bleed while listeninh to it. That’s just sad to me really.

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That’s my trouble these days, I don’t think my ears reveal as much as my system.

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Remember to do double blind test when choosing your speakers. I’ve heard that the color of speakers can affect what you hear.

I’m assuming you say this in jest but with some people it’s true along with driver size, height, material etc.

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This comment illustrates to me that there’s a profound misunderstanding here. If Amir says a DAC measures perfectly he means it does not add anything, or take anything away - it’s transparent. If he says a switch measures perfectly … the same. Nothing added, nothing taken away. How can that have any negative ‘ear-bleeding’ impact on the quality of the sound?

David, the difference is 100% real to me and I can hear it. It might be placebo, it might be the switch, it might be the psu of the switch, it might be electrical connection between the switch and streamer or the fact that there isn’t one. It can be anything! If x sounds better to me than y then obviously I choose x! How can’t you understand this?

But I assume you do blind test your speakers since otherwise you let your expectations affect what you hear. That would be wrong wouldn’t it?

Actually, no!

Whenever I really want to listen, I close my eyes. When I want to be immersed in the music I listen late at night - when there are as few parasite sounds as possible - with the lights off and with my eyes closed.

Pure direct for the brain.


The thing is, are you now fully happy with your system? Are you now, finally off the upgrade train… (The train that never stops but goes no where)?
If so, and I hope you are there, forget about it all and just listen to the music. That’s what I do, with basic cables and switches… not even tempted…


Yes I do blind test my speakers. I’m not worried about colours though as most wood veneered speakers can be got in one I like. Over the years I enjoy the sound of tannoy dual concentric so it narrows the playing field!

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We all have different setups and in one setup, DAC which measures bad and has higher noise floor can actually sound better than one which is 100% transparent. Tube gear is always popular but measures poorly. Why on earth do people buy tube gear? Because they like the sweet tube sound. This hobby is so subjective that it’s ridiculous to only try to achieve perfectly measuring system. You need to listen and choose what sounds best to you.


I do understand, perfectly, but I’m not sure that you understand where this change comes from. It sounds better because you’re paying more attention, not because of a switch, or psu, or any other bit of pseudo-scientific lump of gear you stick into the signal chain. So yes, there’s a real difference in your perception of the sound, but it wasn’t ‘x’ that caused it, rather it’s your attitude towards, and investment in ‘x’ that’s the causal factor. So yes, it’s your money, and I’m not objecting to anyone spending their money as they see fit. What I do object to is people and companies making a profit selling stuff that has little or no objective effect.

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I do this also but closing your eyes won’t help unfortunately. You are still fully aware of your own setup and components. It just helps you to concentrate better at that moment.

Tube amplifiers add colouration add warmth. I’m a fan. Switches add nothing. I’m not a fan.

I’ve done this 20 years and will probably never be in ”final”. Currently waiting for my new speakers to arrive… which I hope (once again) are the final ones.

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I hope you blind tested them at home!

We just have to respectfully disagree on this subject David. You have your view and I have mine. My approach to this hobby will never change. I do read ASR nowadays and find it helpful with some subjects. I recently chose new dac/headphone amp for my PC based on Amir’s (and few other) reviews and it was a great purchase. But in the end I use my ears to make the final decisions.

Also I have to add that auditioning is always free. My investments have no effect on my experience since I can loan gear from dealers or buy from internet with minimum of 14 days return for free -time. I only buy stuff after auditioning it and if it has improved things.

That’s not how I roll garye. I just auditioned them at my dealer’s shop.

Your dealer must be very happy to have customer like you…

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