Banned artist still appearing in playlist (ref#5MKHEO)

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I marked The Doors as a Banned artist the day you introduced blocking. I see them in my playlist named “Pink Floyd” today. I’ve noticed it a few times over the last couple days, but waited till now thinking it might take some time to take effect. Is this feature not working yet?

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I think this is expected behaviour - you need to remove Playlist tracks yourself. From the Help article:

Lastly, when playing a playlist Roon will play banned tracks, albums, composers, compositions, and artists. If you don’t want to hear that content, remove it from the playlist (or make a copy of the playlist if you didn’t create it yourself.)

Hi @Aphile_STL,

Thank you for the report. When did you first save this Pink Floyd Daily Mix to your playlists?

The Pink Floyd Daily Mix is not saved to my Playlists. I just selected it on the Roon Home screen.

Just checked - you’re experiencing the same bug as over here Banning feature for artist tracks not working in Daily Mixes (ref#7G3OB0). Work is in progress on the fix.


I’ve released a server-side fix so this problem should no longer occur. Your next mixes should be free of banned content.


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