BBC internet radio stations no longer play

Cool, nearly there now :slight_smile:

Select Q to quit and then Y to confirm.

Then you should get a command prompt.

Copy and paste these 4 commands exactly as they are, one at a timeā€¦ ( donā€™t think telnet likes backspace so be careful if you make a mistake. Also I think to Paste you need to click the Right mouse button)ā€¦

cd /usr/local/medialibrary/bin

mv ffmpeg ffmpeg_OLD

cd /opt/ffmpeg

cp ffmpeg /usr/local/medialibrary/bin/.

ā€¦ If you get an error, stop and post a screenshot here.

If all goes well and there are no errors, then stop and start Roon in the QNAP App Center and hopefully the issue should be fixed!

I assume I press enter after each line.

I deduce this shows the relevant file is completely absent.

Yes it seems to be missing.

Try continuing with the other commands and see what happensā€¦

There is a typo in that last command. it should beā€¦

cp ffmpeg /usr/local/medialibrary/bin/.

(not medialibraary)

Thank you, that was a good spot.
It now returns [/opt/ffmpeg]

Ok so hopefully that worked then.

Try stopping and starting Roon and see what happensā€¦

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Thank you, thank you thank you. That did the trick, just played an AAC radio stream.
That is so much appreciated.

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Yah! Nice one!

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One last thing, for security you might want to now uncheck the allow telnet and allow ssh boxes.


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Thank you, I will

Well done @Daniel_Murphy and @Chrislayerukā€¦ that was edge of the seat stuff!


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