Bigger artwork for 'Now Playing' [coming in first release post-1.6]

I would not describe the UI as disastrous. Overall, version 1.6 is a significant improvement in many areas and Danny’s team should be commended.

Danny, with regards to your request for constructive suggestions. I did so, and provided detailed comments, on the two issues of greatest concern to me. I hope that my detailed suggestions are helpful.

I did so in the threads on those two specific issues.

The first issue is how to incorporate album covers in the Now Playing window while retaining the great improvements you have already made in that window. I offered detailed suggestions here:

The second issue is the streaming lyrics, which are a major improvement in the UI and one that I have been looking forward to for many months! However, the new streaming lyrics often fail and only work about half of the time, or even less. You should consider a better algorithm or technology vendor for that function.

More importantly, you need to fix how static lyrics that do not scroll are presented in the Now Playing window. I offered detailed suggestions on lyrics here:

But overall, your team did a great job on version 1.6 and they to be thanked for the significant improvements.

Roon was, to quote from another thread I started, already fabulous and it has been significantly improved in the last version. You just need to modify a few areas IMHO.

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