Bug: Roon iOS Client force device volume to max.

Roon Server Machine

Nucleus rev B on 1359
Roon remote on 1357
iOS on 17.3 (iPhone 15)

Networking Gear & Setup Details

UniFi network all wired. Roon remote on iOS via Wi-Fi

Connected Audio Devices

Lyngdorf TDAI-3400 (all cat 5)

Number of Tracks in Library

1400 albums, majority of it Qobuz

Description of Issue

Start listening via Roon remote on iOS device.
Switching to another app, e.g., Mail sets the iOS device volume to maximum level.

It does not affect the volume handling in Roon (set to device volume). But, if you start for instance a Youtube video, the iOS volume is set to max!

Can be repeated!


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Roon hijacking iOS volume [Ticket In]