Build 1324 feedback and staged releases

Description of Issue

22 days ago, Roon 2.0.23 Build 1311 was released.

Today, Roon 2.0.24 Build 1311 was released… The build number is the same, my server and remotes won’t update… I doubt this is intentional, as today’s release notes don’t mention…


Lest you think I am crazy, the build number has since been corrected in the release notes of 2.0.24 to build 1324, without further comment.

My server and remotes still won’t update, though. But this probably will take some time.

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Yeah, I got sandbagged also, which is why I deleted my post.

This release and all future releases are rolled out ‘piecemeal’.

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I notified Vova in PM as soon as I saw 1311 :wink:

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This is not what today’s release note state… but then again, who knows… Anyway, I can listen to music and won’t bother with following this up anymore.

You’re the man!

I did the same, literally just minutes after the release notes got posted. Without any further reaction so far. I think we can both refrain form taking this action again in the future as it doesn’t seem to yield any countable result.


Well it was fixed, that’s good enough for me. Vova may have noticed without, but then again maybe not

From the release notes -

Exactly… I understand that today’s update sets the stage for future staged updates… :laughing:

Nowhere in the release notes it is expressly stated that today’s release is rolled out in stages…


It’s fixed when we get an actual update, I suppose.

In the future, be sure to check our release notes if the latest update is not available to you. When an update is being released with a “staged” rollout, the release notes will notify Roon users and will provide additional details about when everyone can expect to get the latest changes.

This is about the future not now. I also have read the release notes and there are no “additional details about when everyone can expect to get the latest changes.” in it.

PS: I also wonder about how “the release notes will notify Roon users”? What does this look like, what to pay attention to?


Ambiguous, so say the least.

Who in this thread has been notified of this new release?

I was speaking about the release notes mentioning the wrong build number, 1311 vs the correct 1324. This was fixed

Yes, it’s chaos with today’s release. The systems no longer know which is the last build…

I would think that the running system compares the compiled-in build number with the build number of the latest release available on Roon’s server. This may be as simple as a manifest text file… While this doesn’t get fixed in Roon’s server, our running system won’t ‘know’ there’s a new version to update to…

Some process more or less like this…

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Yes, that’s how I feel about this. Without any acknowledgement by Roon staff, it is only a few crazy users crying wolf…

Once upon a time, communication with Roon wasn’t set up as a black hole… But the times they are a-changin’ and I guess I’ll have to adapt.

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I’m on early access, so shouldn’t and haven’t

Me for example, because I chose so (notice the notification bell all the way on the right side).

I meant from within Roon, not in a forum section.

No one as they messed up. There is no new release that’s been released, B1311 is still current.