Build 70 Crashes

I’m running Roon on a Mac Mini (Yosemite) with my music files connected via NFS share. It was quite stable for a while, but started crashing regularly after upgrading to build 69. I updated to build 70 hoping that would resolve my problem but it crashed again yesterday after running for about 14 hours. In case it helps, here are the last few minutes from the logs:

11/13 20:30:31 Info: [stats] 1386mb Virtual, 534mb Physical, 143mb Managed, 31 Threads, 174 
FDs (139 REG, 13 IPv4, 8 DIR, 5 KQUEUE, 4 CHR, 3 PIPE, 1 systm, 1 unix)
11/13 20:30:46 Info: [stats] 1391mb Virtual, 535mb Physical, 143mb Managed, 35 Threads, 174 FDs (139 REG, 13 IPv4, 8 DIR, 5 KQUEUE, 4 CHR, 3 PIPE, 1 systm, 1 unix)
11/13 20:31:00 Info: [brokerserver] Client connected:
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.ConnectResponse={ BrokerId=410d9378-9a76-49bf-9db2-83e56fdee6cf BrokerName='' }
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: SENT NONFINAL DistributedBroker.UpdatesChangedResponse={ IsSupported=True WasJustUpdated=False Status='UpToDate' HasChangeLog=True CurrentVersion={ MachineValue=100100070 DisplayValue='1.1 (build 70) stable' Branch='stable' } }
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: [transport/roonspeakers] New endpoint discovered: '6642e57cca714751812a8c48ce4c6d8e:d98c1dd4008f04b2e9800998ecf8427e' @,65141,63741
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: GOT UNSOLICITED Id98c1dd4-008f-04b2-e980-0998ecf8427e
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: GOT UNSOLICITED F0
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: GOT UNSOLICITED OThis Mac
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: GOT UNSOLICITED b
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: GOT UNSOLICITED m0
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: GOT UNSOLICITED V100,1,100,other
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: GOT UNSOLICITED r
11/13 20:31:00 Info: [roonspeakers] connected to management=65142 control=65141 clock=63741
11/13 20:31:00 Info: [transport] creating endpoint for roon device 50943b96-8cdd-4156-2f83-db611f95a3c2
11/13 20:31:00 Trace: SENT REQUEST T1
11/13 20:31:00 Info: Created endpoint in dirty state
11/13 20:31:00 Info: [transport] loading zone 22:1:50943b96-8cdd-4156-2f83-db611f95a3c2
11/13 20:31:00 Info: [transport] created zone This Mac
11/13 20:31:00 Info: [transport]     with endpoint This Mac (23:1:50943b96-8cdd-4156-2f83-db611f95a3c2) [IsAvailable=True]
11/13 20:31:01 Info: [stats] 1393mb Virtual, 536mb Physical, 144mb Managed, 37 Threads, 181 FDs (143 REG, 16 IPv4, 8 DIR, 5 KQUEUE, 4 CHR, 3 PIPE, 1 systm, 1 unix)
11/13 20:31:16 Info: [stats] 1394mb Virtual, 536mb Physical, 144mb Managed, 37 Threads, 181 FDs (143 REG, 16 IPv4, 8 DIR, 5 KQUEUE, 4 CHR, 3 PIPE, 1 systm, 1 unix)
11/13 20:31:31 Info: [stats] 1388mb Virtual, 537mb Physical, 145mb Managed, 32 Threads, 181 FDs (143 REG, 16 IPv4, 8 DIR, 5 KQUEUE, 4 CHR, 3 PIPE, 1 systm, 1 unix)
11/13 20:31:46 Info: [stats] 1393mb Virtual, 538mb Physical, 145mb Managed, 36 Threads, 181 FDs (143 REG, 16 IPv4, 8 DIR, 5 KQUEUE, 4 CHR, 3 PIPE, 1 systm, 1 unix)
11/13 20:31:55 Warn: [ping to [] timed out in EndpointManagementClient after 5001.565ms --check the remote end]
11/13 20:31:55 Trace: [Sooloos.Audio.Roon.EndpointManagementClient disposed]
11/13 20:31:55 Trace: [Sooloos.Broker.Transport.RoonZonePlayerEndpointStreamingClient disposed]
11/13 20:31:55 Info: [roonspeakers] connection failed to management=65142 control=65141 clock=63741
11/13 20:31:55 Info: [transport] destroyed zone This Mac was playing? False
11/13 20:32:01 Info: [stats] 1395mb Virtual, 538mb Physical, 146mb Managed, 40 Threads, 175 FDs (139 REG, 14 IPv4, 8 DIR, 5 KQUEUE, 4 CHR, 3 PIPE, 1 systm, 1 unix)
11/13 20:32:05 Info: [library] recorded play for profile 6051bf86-65c6-4300-a637-52caaca330f9: mediaid=50:1:9054071b-d791-4f01-b31c-f31a19dd69e3 metadataid=123:0:MT0002632520 contentid= libraryid=50:1:9054071b-d791-4f01-b31c-f31a19dd69e3

What is your end point in this setup?

Hey @mikedickey – why don’t we get some logs from you and we’ll see if we can figure out what’s going on.

I’m going to follow up via PM. Stand by!

My main speaker system is an 818v2 (ID41), but I also have a few Rpi’s setup via AirPlay. In this instance however, it crashed when nothing was playing and no one was even using any of the clients to browse.


This is my first post so apologies if misplaced etc… My system has updated to build 70 and now crashes within a minute or two of starting. Prior to that it had become very v e r y slooooow… I’ve even gone so far as to uninstall everything including all the metadata files and do a full fresh reinstall but to no avail. This computer is the homes media server and also runs Plex server and employs webroot for security. I have iteleport in case of need to remote in.

The roon server runs on a Windows 10 Pro system which is a core i7-4790, 32GB with an SSD with 144gb free. The music is on a new usb 3.0 ext drive. The graphics is intel HD4600 with the latest intel drivers. My main listening unit is a mac mini via usb to an advance acoustic X-Preamp. All connections to the server are wired.

(logs edited by @mike)

I can supply more if it would be helpful.

Frustrated as recently spending more time tinkering with the software than listening…

BTW otherwise love the concept and until recently the end user experience. Look forward to any help or advice that can be offered. I think this is going to be an outstanding way to enjoy more music (especially the way it prompts me to discover new links…lovin that). BTW also +1 vote for 64 bit!!


Hey @drf – thanks for letting us know, and sorry for the trouble here. We’ll be in touch via PM and we’ll figure out what’s going on here.

Stand by!

A post was split to a new topic: Build 102 Problem with MC200 zone

Closed due to inactivity. If you are still seeing this issue, please open a new support thread.