Can’t get Qobuz to stream

New to Roon. Have Tidal working.

Want to try Qobuz
I have an account. I can logon to web app and play music

In Roon, Qobuz is visible and I can find music but it will not stream. Error message is “unable to start streaming. Check your Qobuz account and try again” and sometimes “Too many failures. Stopping playback”

Qobuz removed from Roon and re looked on to. Roon rebooted. Pc rebooted

None of this has helped.

I emailed Qobuz but no response a few days later.

Anything else to try?

Thank you

Hi @Robert_HARRIS,

So we can better assist you, please provide a brief description of your current setup using this link as a guide.

Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so we can have a clear understanding of how your devices are communicating.

Just to confirm, do you have an active subscription in Qobuz? If you try to play Qobuz content in the app are you able to play beyond 30 second clips?

Could only stream for 30"…

This was a PICNIC problem I believe (Problem In Chair, Not In Computer). It appears I had a Qobuz Account but not a subscription

Now I have both and things are working.

Thanks for help and suggestion

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