Hi @Jeroen_Kooi ----- Thank you for the report and sharing this observation you have made with us. The insight is appreciated and sorry to hear of the difficulties. I have combined your posts into a single thread so we can address this behavior with you in the same place.
Moving forward, to help aide in our evaluation of this behavior you have reported, may I very kindly ask you for the following:
A brief but accurate description of your current setup using this link as a guide.
Just to make sure I am understanding this comment correctly:
“When I add albums of Joan armatrading the loading process takes long and then I get the message: albums deleted. I got <10 k albums. Playing the albums in Roon works well.”
- At this current time you album to play content that is already in your library, but any new content you tried to add fails to import, correct?
Can you please post a screenshot of the error message you are receiving?
Since noticing this behavior have you tried rebooting your core machine to see if that triggers a change in behavior?