Cannot connect an artist's record with an added album credit

Description of Issue

The original metadata for the Album “As We Speak” shows Bela Fleck as the primary artist. I could add a credit for him for “banjo”, for Edgar Meyer for “double bass” and for Zakir Hussein for “tabla”. However, when I try to add a credit for Rakesh Chaurasia for “bansuri” it creates a blank artist record without connecting to Roon’s artist entry for Rakesh Chaurasia, which shows his picture, biographical info and discography.

Why doesn’t Roon connect this added credit for Rakesh Chaurasia to his artist information the same way it does for the others?

Screenshots below showing the artist’s record from Roon and the added credit to the album.

Do you have another album in your library where Rakesh Chaurasia is already properly credited? What you described is what typically happens if you don’t. In this case, the solution is to add such an album. After this, the real Rakesh Chaurasia should be found when you add the credit to the new album.

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Thanks, that did it but it sure is a roundabout solution.

I searched for Rakesh Chaurasia, added an album from his discography to my library, unchecked my original added credit from the first album, added a new credit for him, then removed that second album from my library.

Not exactly intuitive, but it works.

It’s a common issue - an artist credit must already be in the library in order to be found when editing an album or importing files. If you have duplicated artists, you can merge them (instead of exchanging them), but it’s probably best to avoid the issue - before I edit, I always ensure that all credits are already in the library. Yes it’s a PITA


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