Can't access Roon from Android

Hi ,
Can’t access Roon from Android phone S10.
I can access from Ipad easily.


In order for Roon’s @support team to better assist you, please provide a brief description of your current setup and the nature of the issue using this link as a guide.

Make sure to describe your network configuration/topology, including any networking hardware currently in use, so they have a clear understanding of how your devices are connected.

Server: Gentooplayer linux server
Hardwired to tplink Ax6000 router
All software upgraded

Hey @Antonio_Souza,

We’re so sorry to hear about the trouble.

Is there a specific error you see displayed on the Android device? Moreover, I wonder, is your Android device meeting these three requirements?

  1. ARM or x86 based
  2. Android 5.0 or higher
  3. Supports OpenGL ES 3.0

Thanks :pray:t2:

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