Can't see device icons

Core Machine (Operating system/System info/Roon build number)

Windows 10 Pro
i7-9700k / 2080 Super / 32GB 3466 RAM / Z390 Aorus Pro
Roon build 610

Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)

UK based so a Virgin Media supplied router, via a TP-Link AV100 powerline adapter. 100mbps+ fibre.

This problem also existed plugged directly into my old ISP’s router (Sky Q hub).

Audio Devices (Specify what device you’re using and its connection type - USB/HDMI/etc.)

Chord Hugo 2 via optical out on Z390 Aorus Pro

Description Of Issue

I cannot (for some time now) see device icons:


Hi @Scrum92,

Is there any change in behavior if you try to reboot the Core or follow the instructions here to clear your device cache?

I do not have those files in my Cache folder. I did delete Cache (which was empty) to no avail, though.

When you say “reboot the Core” are you saying restart my PC/the .exe? If so, I have done that many, many times since this problem existed.

Edit: I found the “Clear Cache” option in Settings, did that then opened Roon again. Afterwards those files were in my Cache folder but following your steps has not helped unfortunately.

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Hi @Scrum92,

Thanks for taking a look! I’ve also seen reports of similar behavior with users using Logitech G Hub software and we’re looking into these reports, are you by any chance using Logitech Hub software on your PC?

That is bonkers. Yes, it’s back



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Hi @Scrum92,

Thanks for letting us know that disabling Logitech Hub resolved this issue! I’ve also added your report to our investigation into this interaction, but since the issue is resolved for you, I will go ahead and close this thread, thanks!

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