CCA (Chromecast Audio)

I have 2 of these hooked up to ROON.

1 hooked up to Metrum Onyx -Optical

1 hooked up to Metrum Flint.- Optical

When playing the same song with same DSP settings and MQA… The signal on the one hooked up the Onyx says “Enhanced” while the other one says “High Quality”


Hello @jimmy_stabler,

Can you post a screenshot of your Signal Path for both zones? This should look something like this:



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I’m doing some testing and the song will just stop playing around 30-50 seconds. I’m playing from my desktop.

It’s doing that with both CCA’s that I own. The older one that I have had for a few weeks is doing the same thing.

I turned DSP off and it has stopped dropping out.

Has that ever been mentioned as an issue?

it appears the drop outs where occuring when I was using DSP. Why would that be an issue?

Cca has droupout issues on optical on anything over 48khz. Firmware issues.

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interesting. I listened with same CCA few weeks ago for a few hours and had no issues. Is this new?

could that also be the reason one signal path was reading “Enhanced” while the other “Higher Quality” ??

Been an issue since the last update (July). Some folks are lucky but I have four that all have dropouts at 96khz.

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Hello @jimmy_stabler,

As @Derek_Wyman mentioned, there have been some reported issues with hi-res chromecast playback and Google is aware of this fact but there have been no new updates recently. You can follow the main thread here (Chromecast Audio dropouts).

As for your question regarding Enhanced vs High Quality, I would need to see the Signal Path screenshots to make a conclusion regarding that question.


I think if you adjust the volume on the CCA it will drop you to “high quality”. If you pass through at 100% volume you should see lossless or enhanced (depending on any DSPs

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thank you. I will keep tabs on that thread