Ok, I see from the previous posts that I have a “MacOS core” and not a “Roon core”. Fine. But that still leaves me with questions:
can the core on the Mac be configured?
can the absurd software that doesn’t see that I do NOT have a Roon Core, but DO have a Mac Core, be FIXED so that the program actually knows what it’s running? A user-friendly interface tells the user what’s going on, e.g., “you do not have a Roon Core, go to ____ to configure the Mac Core”… a reasonable response, don’t you think?
Depends on what you mean by configured. All Roon options are done in the application your running nowhere else. If you run rock or a Nucleus all that does is open the webpage to setup the device nothing else.
Not my point. Think: user friendly. Now, if you were writing a user friendly program that NON-programmers, and people who did NOT know what the technical term: “Roon Core” meant, wouldn’t it be a nice idea to let them know that “Roon Core” refers to a specific device, and NOT to a piece of software that could be in a device, on your Mac, on your iPad, or whatever, with a simple message like my example? That’s what “user-friendly”means.
What is a “MacOS core”? Roon Core is a piece of software that is packaged as Roon or RoonServer. You can make it be all about hardware, but that’s wrong.
We use the word Core as a non-technical alternative to “Server”. It’s also more accurate since the Core can be part of the all-in-one Roon desktop application. Server can also imply hardware. Core is exactly what you want it to be, it is meant to be non-technical and non-hardware.
We try to explain this here:
The Core being software means you can run the Core in many different setups, and many hardware configurations. It’s the main part of Roon’s architecture. It’s explicitly meant NOT to be hardware.
I believe that the issue here is reference to “Configure Roon OS” core or devices in Settings and elsewhere. As evidenced over and over in the Roon OS 2.0 thread, many users do not know the difference between Roon, the application, and Roon OS, the lightweight operating system on Nucleus and ROCK. Those users just see the “Configure Roon” option and assume that they need to do so, even though most of those users are running Windows, MacOS, etc.
Improved technical writing could help allay some of this user confusion.
WHY, in the Roon app with no “Roon Core”, DO WE EVEN SEE: “configure Roon Core”??? Think about it!!! Why is that even there??? Since there IS NO ROON CORE to configure???
A better program would see that the Roon Core was NOT INSTALLED, and would not have the option AT ALL, since there would be NO core to configure. Or, if you must have a kludgy interface, at least say something like: “the Roon Core is an external device which can be configured here. To purchase a Roon Core go to….”. Then people would know what’s going on.
even better than ‘better wording’ is just make it go away if you are running the server on Mac or windows, that would be good. or if you want to leave it then when I click on it tell me: this is not a Rock or Nucleous GTF O… cheers
You can never access this UI from a Rock or Nucleus. They are headless computers. That button acts as a discovery tool to find Rock and Nucleus instances on your local network and allows you to navigate their web interface. Even when no Rock or Nucleus shows up, that in itself is meaningful info.
meaningful but clearly misleading. then they should change the wording into something like : looking for Rock or Nucleus and after a while if nothing has been found a ‘No Core Found’ message showing up would be nice.
I am amazed by the amount of energy put into this thread.
I can agree, that the section could be removed. Perhaps put under the “About”-section where the components are listed?
But there’s no point in yelling about “there is no core” as every functional Roon setup have one. It might not be configurable though, but that depends on the choices made.
I agree, this “configure” button in the setup menu is quite misleading. I have a headless Roon server on my Linux machine and I saw this “configure” button. On first thought, I was like “Ooh, more settings, cool!” After all of the waiting, as the app searched and searched in vain for a Roon OS core, I realised it’s not happening. A better description or maybe a help question mark would be nice, but at least have the search action error out with a reason for the error. I’m a hardware tech by trade not a programmer, but in my opinion, having “configure” button that only works sometimes, is a little silly.
Really? I installed a piece of software called Roon Server onto my Linux machine. That software behaves as a virtual OS, at least in my eyes. Add to that, Roon Server is headless, so even a little bit control like Mac/WIN users have with Roon Core would be awesome. I was just trying to shine a bit of light on the problem, not stop the world from spinning. For the record, I love Roon, it has greatly increased my musical enjoyment, please don’t make me regret it. Thank you, sir.
Overall, I think you should make a Feature Request.
However, RoonServer on Linux is like running any other server process on Linux, it is not a virtual OS. There are ways to run a VM on Linux and then run ROCK. But, absolutely not the same.
Since, there are users who do run VMs on Linux and then ROCK inside of them, I think it can be confusing to other readers if the two environments are mistakenly conflated.