It’s now showing the correct filter. I’m not sure which change corrected this. The networkaudiod-arm64-412 I’m running in a terminal window on my MacBook has started failing recently, so I just had to restart this again.
Also, there is no significant delay with play/pause again…
Can you describe what you are running the networkaudiod on, where is your HQPlayer server running and how these two are connected?
Also I recommend to use the latest networkaudiod 5.1.3…
Thank you for your continued help @jussi_laako
I’m running the networkaudiod in a terminal window on a MacBook M1 Pro, connected via WiFi to my broadband router.
The HQPlayer server (as in the Mac version of the desktop app) is running on a Mac Mini M1 connected via Ethernet to my broadband router.
I will upgrade to networkaudiod 5.1.3.
Please note that the WiFi link on M1 is a potential source of problems due the the hardware bug in M1… (it may also exist in M2)
To minimize this, please disable location services on M1 devices connected via WiFi.
The Type-C to Ethernet dongle sold by Apple in Apple Store (made by Belkin) works fine though and gets around this issue.
Hi @jussi_laako,
So, I changed the USB cable, disabled location services on my MacBook M1 Pro & upgraded to 5.1.3 & so-far so good… no delays, or interference
Best wishes,
Hi @jussi_laako,
Still no delays to starting, pausing, or changing tracks on playback. Also, no interference sounds. I am continuing to experience very occasional short breaks in playback though.
Also, networksudiod-53 is regularly stopping in the terminal window I’m running on my Macbook, showing the error, “[/Applications/networkaudiod-513/networkaudiod] (58257): CoreAudio output engine uninitialized”
Either CPU is getting overloaded with your current settings, or there are network hiccups between server and NAA. It is difficult to say which one.
This is normal, this is not an error. This is more regular if adaptive rate is enabled, or if Idle time setting is not set to something (30 seconds is a good starting point).
Thank you @jussi_laako, your guidance on NAA has helped me resolve this non-error.
If the OSX Activity Monitor is a good source of information, then it seems to be CPU overload (see screenshot).
Having followed your advice about the configuration of HQPlayer, could you advise on why else this CPU overload might be happening please?
Here is a link to a screen recording of what happens in HQPlayer & on my Mac Mini M1 (shown in the Activity Monitor) when I press play in Roon Remote from my Macbook.
There’s an error starting the processing. You have convolution engine enabled or something similar? Or something in the matrix processor?
Yes, I have the convolution engine enabled with a filterset running. Matrix processor is not enabled.
Does the error go away if you disable convolution engine? It seems like it is related to that, since it complains about 0-length impulse response.
Since you are on macOS, it is also possible that HQPlayer doesn’t have permissions to access the location where those files are. Please see System Preferences / Privacy & Security / Files and Folders.
I’m not sure which error you mean exactly. I disabled the convolution engine & the % cpu has gone up (to 158). Also, the breaks in playback continue. In fact the playback has just stopped altogether.
I checked & HQ Player has full disk access enabled.
CPU load figures are bogus when you have drop-outs, so it is not very useful to look at those. In addition, in Activity Monitor, please open “CPU History” view from View menu. This allows you to see per-core loads over time, which is important.
The settings shouldn’t be any difficulty for M1. So I would look into potential issues with the output. Is the NAA over WiFi in that case? Since M1 has known WiFi hardware bug that causes huge network latencies. So I would look next into why there are such problems between your Mac and NAA. The issue is not in your Mac, but between the Mac and NAA, or in the NAA. What kind of NAA device was that? Is it up to date with NAA version 5.1.3?
Hi @jussi_laako,
I do not have ethernet at my listening position, so I need to use wifi between the Mac Mini with HQPlayer running & my Macbook with NAA running. I have the latest version of NAA. We covered this earlier in this (very long) thread between us.
I have certainly done all I can to try to make this work - I have been reluctant to give up! This thread bears witness to this. I am also very disappointed that it seems that I can’t use HQPlayer without these dropouts in my usage scenario & they are too disruptive & frequent for me to live with.
I trust that you are prepared to cancel the licence I purchased & refund me in these circumstances. Could you confirm this by return & how we can accomplish this.
Have you tried connecting the Mac Mini directly to the DAC without the NAA?
P.S. It is good to use the free trial first to check that things work for you…
I can’t access localhost on my Macbook, so this local setup doesn’t work for me.
What do you mean by cannot access localhost on MacBook? Is connecting MacMini directly to your DAC out of question? Just trying to understand your setup and reasons why you are trying to run MacBook as a NAA…
Or you could put HQPlayer straight on the MacBook instead of MacMini…