Network Details (Including networking gear model/manufacturer and if on WiFi/Ethernet)
Hi Roon Team,
I have another question
Our music system consists of
Meridian Sooloos MD600 MediaDrive (with 2x3 TB internal harddrive as Music database) connected with 2 Meridian MS200 zones (kitchen and livingroom). First ms200 via toslink in our preamplifier livingroom, second ms200 via Bang&Olufsen Beosound 9000 to Lodspeaker Beolab 2000 in the kitchen. We use Meridian Control PC or the Meridian app on our IPads as software for organizing and playing music.
CocktailAudio X45 (in settings/audio as Novafidelity X45) with internal SSD 4 TB as Music database (Music DB), connected via AES to preamplifier. We use Music X neo as app for playing music. This app can’t reach comfort of Meridian Control PC … that’s one of the reasons for roon
We also have a few backups on external USB-harddrives (just flacs 16/24 bit) …
We don’t have music folders on our IPads, IPhone or Mac/Windows PC. How can I get these two devices (MD600 and CocktailAudio) in roon, so that nucleus+ will find the music files and we can play music. I tried with the IP Adress of CocktailAudio X45 (, but this doesn’t work (get an error). We didn’t add a SSD to nucleus+ so far, it‘s an option for future.
What is the exact path for the X45 that you’re entering in Roon? Are you entering a username and password for the connection? Do you know if there are any login credentials needed?
According to the X45 Manual (Page 54) it looks like you have to enable the SMB share on the device itself, have you done this yet? Here is a link to the manual:
Thanks a lot for Information, Problem is soluted, Roon is scanning the music Folders of the MusicDB of CocktailAudio, so everything is allright and i‘m happy …